Wishing you the very best V.D. you've ever had!

Chuck - sorry man, I am not going to tell anyone about my VD (venereal disease) story. I don't care how much stuff you buy from me that story is a secret !

Oops, did you mean 'Valentine Day' story? Sorry.
Hmmm I think the venereal disease story should be told but thats just me, lol. As for Valentine's Day.....if I catch that bow equipped flying midget I'm gonna skin his wings with Busse's new skinner blade hunters knife :D
Isn't that why Busse's have that crinkle coat?for protection from V.D's? I mean when I start to clean that squirrel they all say the same thing ya know like I'm clean,or you don't have to worry about me,but really who wants to take that risk,you dont know where that squirrel's been.That is why I always feel safe with my Busse because I know I am protected!