Wolfman Update - Prayers, Smoke & Good Thoughts Still Needed

...In the meantime, if you need some reading material, shoot me your snailmail addy and I'll send ya some back issues of all our favorite magazines.

Get well Wolfmann, get well soon.


Ira, I know you will be back at em soon. You are to feisty of a bastid to not too. We are with you guy. Go get it done and we'll be here waitin for ya.
Aloha, Gary.
Ira, when you do get around to the surgery, consider loaning the doctor a really good knife, so he does the job right -- no chisel grinds, either.

If you like, we could start a thread asking for suggestions. I hear obsidian actually makes fine scalpels.

Ouch. Get well soon.
I didn't even know!!! Just remember so as to get you through the pain,





Take it easy Wolfie ... and stay safe.


EDIT: Just saw that your wife might be reading this so ...

Think of your loving wife, your wifes boobs, and does she make beer?!:D
Today turned out to be just "round one". Now that they "looked" and saw, things are a little more complicated.
I know I will be back on BFC soon, but they need to go back in and spend a lot more time.
Thanks again for all the kind and compassionate mail and posts. I, guess this turned out to be..........well never mind, you would have to understand how my "luck" works........later

I hope you have a speedy recovery. As you pray for me, I am returning the prayer to you. See ya when you get back online.:)