woo hoo, gold fever...

Sep 7, 2006
i was going to buy a basic membership when i first came here, but never got around to it. i spend a lot of time on here, mostly just lurking, and wanted to support the forum. i kept putting it off and putting it off, but since it's really been bugging me lately that i can't read the WTB forums anymore i figured i better go ahead, so... i did, and i figured a good way to make up for not springing for the basic earlier was to just get the gold, baby :thumbup: .

if you haven't done it yet, do it now, you'll feel better about yourself.

Dang. I thought he was talking about gold GW's. :D
Welcome, it's definitely worth the upgrade. This is the best forum I've come across on the net in 10 years, it's worth the support!
i was going to buy a basic membership when i first came here, but never got around to it. i spend a lot of time on here, mostly just lurking, and wanted to support the forum. i kept putting it off and putting it off, but since it's really been bugging me lately that i can't read the WTB forums anymore i figured i better go ahead, so... i did, and i figured a good way to make up for not springing for the basic earlier was to just get the gold, baby :thumbup: .

if you haven't done it yet, do it now, you'll feel better about yourself.

I did the same yesterday Winston and feel better myself. I was starting to feel bad getting all the info, help,etc... at this site for free.
It is well worth the $25.
Dang! Sprained my clicking finger again....:D

I shoulda got platinum. My PM box is almost full.:eek:
Welcome! congrats on the Gold!..cool avatar:thumbup:


thanks, that's one of my favorite pictures of my son from when he was just over a year old. last summer i took him to blade west, he was a little over four then. we both enjoyed it, but for different reasons. i got to check out some of the ganzaa knives, meet skunk, joules, randucci, and a couple others from here, as well as score a couple rats and a ram's horn GW, and spend some time chatting with brian from okuden. the highlight of the show for him was a scrap piece of micarta that brian gave him, he played with it 'til he lost it:rolleyes: . i'll start him on scales and work him up to the rest of the knife as he gets older :) .


ps. orizondo, yes i enjoy your avatar. send me the full size pic and i'll enjoy it more. who is she?
Great picture and I can imagine the memory you describe! Good times, enjoy them!
I did the deed as well. Thanks for the inspiration. Now who is going to teach me the secret handshake?