Wood work

Apr 29, 2004
Been day dreaming in my room about building a desk for my corner with a couch next to the table under a window and a stand for a large fish tank next to the couch. My dad sugested oak but I was wondering if anybody knowledgable on wood could point out some lighter colored woods. Preferably on the cheaper scale price wise. I figure if price was a issue I could make the innards of the fish tank and couch out of 2x4s and the such. Well any input appreciated.

I sit quietly now waiting for whispers of the coming zdp delica as I daydream.
Also check out your local classifieds newspapers, and crafts stores for woodworkers groups. Woodcarvers, woodturners and furniture craftsman often have some good ideas that the beginning but somewhat experienced carpenter might not.
Concerning your desk, we got some storage made with birch faced composite. (like plywood center) Comes in sheets so you don't have to glue and cut individual boards, light, stains and finishes easily.
Pine or Poplar are about as light as you can get without buying something exotic (big $$ and hard to find at a local lumberyard). Unfortunately neither is very strong, and for an aquarium oak would be a good choice. Or you could, as you've suggested, build the aquarium frame out of 2x4 lumber and face with Pine or Poplar trim.

Keep in mind that water weighs about eight pounds per gallon. So an average sized 50-gallon aquarium will weigh about 400lbs just in water. Then add the weight of the glass, top, gravel, etc. The most secure method might be a wrought iron stand from the store, and then enclose it in a wood cabinet.

Oak can be rather light-colored, especially with a light stain like Natural.

I'm no carpenter, and my woodworking skills are mediocre at best. But I do have extensive experience with aquariums, and I've stained quite a bit of wood trim.

Best Wishes,