WooHoo! I just ordered my Sifu!


Nov 22, 1998
I'm ecstatic. In less than a month I'll have my Sifu with the bitchin' green G10 handle. Man, I can't wait!

Thanks to Bob Taylor, Mike Turber, Spark and eveyone that participated in the discussion that made this dream a reality.

Now, everyone go order yours.


Mike Melone
"One loves to possess arms, though they hope never to have occasion for them." --Thomas Jefferson to George Washington, 1796

So did I - and mine will also be green. Hrm. Dunno why, it just seemed like something different and cool.

Question for anybody that remembers: was I the first to use the term "megafolder"? I seem to recall I may have been, but I'm not sure.

Jim March
Guess the cat's out of the bag now!

Guys, we're giving those who pre-reserved theirs the chance to order first, then we'll open the ordering to everyone.


Kevin Jon Schlossberg
SysOp and Administrator for BladeForums.com

Insert witty quip here
I got the green for the same reason. I have alot of black handled knives. I think green G10 will be very cool looking.

Sorry man, I just couldn't contain my joy.
I've been going around telling everyone at work and showing them the picture. All they say is, "$179.95 for a knife?" They just don't get it. Of course I won't be saying anything to my wife about this.


Mike Melone
"One loves to possess arms, though they hope never to have occasion for them." --Thomas Jefferson to George Washington, 1796

DROOL!! :p.......

I just found a pic of this thing in the rekat forum. Its soo pretty...

179 bucks eh?.... I hope they're around for a while.

[This message has been edited by yoda4561 (edited 12 August 1999).]
I'll give the pre-orders another hour and a half to place their orders, and then I'll open up the ordering to everyone.

We're only going to have a limited number of Green Sifu's, and they are going to go fast as well.


Kevin Jon Schlossberg
SysOp and Administrator for BladeForums.com

Insert witty quip here
Spark, needless to say, if you run out of greens I'm not going to sweat having a black.

Are these going to have any Bladeforums "one of xx" stamps?

Also, this may be a bit much but...I've gotta ask: as the single earliest and most vocal proponent of megafolders and *possibly* the inventor of the term, would asking for a "serial number 1" marked piece be too much to ask, at least if there's gonna be serial numbers?

Jim March
#1 is for me, but you can have #50 Jim!

Just kidding, I don't think they are going to be numbered.


Kevin Jon Schlossberg
SysOp and Administrator for BladeForums.com

Insert witty quip here
Hey Spark, how many BladeForums Natives are left?

Work hard, play hard, live long.

"Megafolder". I like the way that sounds. Yes, I purchased mine too, but in Rebel Black. I can't wait to see it (feel it, handle it, mangle beef joints with it).

Does anyone out there own a REKAT folder? This will be my first. I'm curious if they'll both be easy to open with one hand, yet have solid lockup.

I'm glad all you guys ordered in green. Black is just fine for me. I was told mine is going to be in the #30s. Somebody needs to find a drooling smiley face.

Iron sharpeneth iron; so a man sharpeneth the countenance of his friend.
#1, it turns out they will be serialized. #2, Yekim did a search on knifeforums and turned up the oldest reference to the word "megafolder" and sure enough, it had my name on it. #3, I think Bob Taylor will also recall making comments about me being a persistent bugger regarding production of a big 5"+ folder, almost to the point of annoyance

So...methinks I've got a pretty good claim to SN#1 here...comments?

Jim March
If you want to be snotty about it, Jim, I can keep #1 for myself....


Kevin Jon Schlossberg
SysOp and Administrator for BladeForums.com

Insert witty quip here

[This message has been edited by Spark (edited 13 August 1999).]
What color green will it be? O.D.? Emerald? Dark green like green micarta? Just wondering.


Mike Melone
"One loves to possess arms, though they hope never to have occasion for them." --Thomas Jefferson to George Washington, 1796
