Workability F16 and F18 carbon fiber

Feb 14, 2000
I am about to try some Carbon fiber and I was wondering
the working properits of it (IE can it be sculpted etc)
and are there other thing that should be know before working
it,a far as grinding it goes,I would be greatful for any input.
Thanks Nathan
Use a respirator and goggles, you dont want the dust in your mouth, lungs or eyes!
Wear a baseball cap, and long sleeves, you also dont want it in your hair and on your skin, itches like mad.

I wear a respirator, and face shield, over the hood of a hooded sweatshirt when I work C/F... and its been what I've worked the most of these past months.
And I've mainly worked with f-18/areospace grade c/f.

You can do just about anything with it you can do with G-10 or Micarta... you can sculpt it, shape it, etc. etc. etc.

Expirementation is the best way to learn... take a small chunk, and just play with it... its how I did it at first.

Its dirty, makes a mess of your shop, covers everything near the grinder in heavy black dust (which you need to wear a respirator when you clean up as well)... but its probably my favourite synthetic material. I love working with it... I mean it, I love it. Its awesome! :-D

The most important thing I've found is to be careful drilling it. It wears both carbide and HSS drills very quickly. If the drill is dull it will fracture the material around the hole as it breaks through. If this happens it will look like spider webs around your pins/screws. I keep several sharp drills ready, 2 holes MAX before resharpening them. Carbide wears so fast, I just use HSS drills because I can sharpen them faster.

Another thing, try wet sanding. It keeps the dust down and makes the sand paper last longer!! I finish with 400 then buff.

The "F-18" CF looks great when it's finished.

I'd add that carbon fiber will dull bandsaw blades faster than anything and to watch out for splinters.
I'll add that since I dont have a band-saw I use a hack-saw to cut carbon fiber... use a carbide blade, or you will be there forever! The carbide blade rocks for cutting C/F by hand.
For straight cuts, or just cuts, nothing fine, I use a carbide RemGrit blade in my Dewalt SawzAll.

Just thought I'd add that too.
Carbon fiber sounds like a bear to work with.At my level of knife making I do not think I have enough knowledge to work such a hard
materail.Thanks for all the input,I will use it when I have enough work time under my belt.
Thanks Nathan

Once you get it rough cut and drilled it's not that bad. The end results are worth the effort!! Look at it this way.....Once you get the hang of it 95% of all other materials will be a piece of cake ;)

Nathan, Carbon fiber isnt any harder to work than any other material. There are different kinds too. Halperns Carbon Fiber is very predictable and doesnt leave any type of splinters at all. It finishes nice at 400 grit or a high polish. I used some aerospace stuff years ago that I got from Alan Folts and when I was done grinding it I picked out porcupine like quills out of my arms for about a half hour. Since I had only worked Halperns CF before I didnt realize this would happen. The current F-18 CF that guys are getting from Gordon is harder to final finish and to buff than Halperns and will also blow out the holes if you dont use some sort of a backing material while drilling but it doesnt porcupine yours arms. I usually work in short sleeve shirts and its not a big deal. I do have a vac system that traps most of the dust. If I am hogging off alot of CF I will also wear a respirator to help with the dust. Also while grinding alot of material off you will need to keep dipping so you dont burn the material and use fresh belts.

I wouldnt be afraid to try some, its great stuff. I have both types and if you dont have any or would like to try one or the other that you may not have email me and I can send you some to try. I have up to like .150 thick, mainly for folder blades, not the thicker stuff for fixed blades.
Thanks for the offer,I am only makeing fixed blades at the time.I want to master them before I step into folders.I spoke with Gordon,he told me he only has it about 2/10th in thickness.I still have alot to learn.If you want you could send me some and I may make a small fixed blade to put it one,I will get a chance to
see how it drills and works.
Thanks Nathan
Nathan, Monday I will send you a little of Halperns CF and also some F-18 CF to play with. If you have any questions about working it, email me. Enjoy! ;)
Thanks,That is a vey nice thing to do for a greenhorn.
Now if I can just do some good work to put it on.