Oct 27, 1998
I have only had my BM975 for about 4 months and already the linerlock has worn to the point that it engages all the way across. It's got to the stage where I don't want to use it in case I completely wear it out. Does anyone have a fix for this problem? I thought of replacing the stop pin with a larger one but can't find one here in Australia. any ideas? Pete
Replacing the stop pin with a slightly larger one is the way I would do it. Have you called Benchmade? Maybe they'll surprise us and volunteer to do it for you. 4 months is definitely too quick for the lock to wear out.

Hmm Peter I have the same problem, only with my BM 910SBT. I just e-mailed BM asking if they'll remedy this problem...hopefully they will, because i'm a total idiot when it comes to mechanics and replacing parts...<sigh>...Well i'll post BM's reply if no one does before me...

Thanks for the replies guys, I'm not that keen on sending the knife all the way back to the States though. All liner lock knives should have a little raised section at the far end of the blade tang so the liner can only go so far then stop. This would sovle all the problems with worn liners. Maybe I should put a patent on that idea!
Funny i was just thinking about putting like a stop on the tang to keep the liner centered, even though i definately couldn't do it myself. But, i dunno, anyone seen a knife with something like that on the tang of the blade? Seems like an amazing idea, i would be genuinely surprised if no one has used it yet...

Peter & Aaron --

If you stop the liner from moving right, then when it continues wearing -- as it always does, inevitably -- you will introduce play in the lock-up. Either the liner wears and moves right, or it stops and makes the lock-up wobbly, those are the only two choices as far as I can tell. Keeping the blade centered with a little stop on the tang is clever, but just guarantees you'll get sloppy wobbly lock-up eventually.

Maybe the maker could sell the knife with a thin hollow sleeve to be put over the stop pin when the liner moves too far right, if that will still work with the tang's stop-pin notch.


One way to solve the problem is to use the same sort of extension on the liner as Cold Steel did on the Ultralock.
It is similar to your suggestions but in this case the extension is on the other side of the liner. A part of the liner is folded to the left over the scale. This adds some more safety as the area engaging the tang is larger than the average liner lock.

It is a little complicated to describe in words and I haven't got any picture of it.

But there are hopefully more around here who can further describe this.


Tea drinker and hellraiser from Northern Sweden, above the arctic circle.

I just go an answer to this problem that makes me smile...On the BM forum i asked BM if adjusting my knife under warranty if and when the liner does engage way too far to the right, and fortunately the answer was yes. I just have to send my knife in, and they'll fix it for me, assuming the knife's warranty i still intact, that is. I guess my carbon fiber Sentinel doesn't count...

One remedy I like is to make the stop pin ecentric. In other words, oval. Then, if there was a screw holding it in place, you would loosen the screw and pivot the stop pin.

This isn't a shot at BM, or even Spydie for that matter. I have seen this problem on both their knives however. I looked and thought about this, and it seems some custom makers have a solution. The back portion of the tang where the liner makes contact isn't ground flat at an angle, but has a slight convex shape to it. Imagine a "smiley face" however slight, turned upside down, and canted to the right about 30 degrees. That way, as the liner wears over time and slides further to the right on lockup, the tang actually is closer to the lock. Don't know if this will work, but it seems sound. Only thing that would concern me is the increased angle between the liner and the tang over time MAY increase the chance of the liner slipping off and accidental closing resulting. pardon if I rambled.....guinness