Would you Buy a Custom T-A?

Jan 7, 2007
I've really liked the Take Apart concept from the very beginning. I thought it was a great idea the unskilled owner could easily swap out a blade AND change the look of a knife with different handles. When the first 110 version came out different handles were available from the BCCI very informally (if you were there or knew someone) and I thought Buck would soon come out with a wide range of choices of blades and handles. I was hoping for a non slip rubberized handle and was really excited about what was possible! Then the 112 came out and I really got excited but yet again just the basic knife was sold and all were limited runs. Now we see its now going to be a regular issue like the 110/112 Sport and even a Carbon fiber LE 112 that can be taken apart.
So Buck IS going with the concept! And it's a great idea for 2022 and beyond..But still to this day it's very difficult to find or buy a 110 or 112 loose blade unless you know someone. And most folks don't! If you want want something special like say a S30V drop point 112 or even a S35VN or S45VN blade good luck! Some folks will buy a knife just for the blade but with the Take Apart we finally can do that ourselves without all the expense and hassle to send it off and have it done. Just the ability to swap in a sharp super steel blade is a big part of the appeal of the T-A..
I propose Buck add the Take Apart to the Custom shop. Both 110 and the 112. Give us the chance to buy extra blades especially super steels and drop points! And please a few handle choices..and extra screws lol! If I had the opportunity I would gladly pay for it! $25.00 for a Drop point S30V blade..Sure! $35.00 for a S45VN blade..Absolutely! How about mirror polished 420 (I love them) Definitely! Buck has always resisted letting loose blades out of both SanDeigo and Post Falls but it IS 2022 and the Selector is one of the longest running models. Limit extra blades and hopefully handles when you only order a new Custom Shop T-A if that what it takes. I'll order everything 112 the day Buck offers it. Would you buy one?
Yes I will too..if Buck will sell it! Handles are standardized now a don't require fitting. Blades drop right in. I don't know exactly what is required for Buck to set that up to do..But I would be happy with limited selections at the beginning. They would quickly see the intrest and opportunity with a trial run..Just PLEASE offer a drop point blade of some kind for the the 112..
I would be more interested if the frame was brass, or nickle silver. Possibly stainless steel. But I think a stainless steel frame, might be more of a problem to manufacture. The aluminum frame is to lite. I like the weight of the brass frame. It makes for an easy opening knife.

IDhorace I agree 100%! I don't think stocking a run of different color micarta would be a big problem. A none slip textured handle would sell I think along with a composite blank you customize. How about for special projects? Companies logo's weddings, Father's Day, Unions ?? 3D printing? You dream it Buck could make it! Right on/in the handle..
It could be a collectors dream knife! I can only imagine the sales that could be possible if the process was easy and streamlined. I loved the Dan Wesson revolver because you could easily change the barrel, shrouds, sights and handles. I know Buck has always built Special project knives and the Take Apart seems perfect for that use. If the price point was doable I can imagine 1,000's of Companies, Government agencies, Fire departments, Police,Car manufacturers ect would love to pardner with Buck who after all THE quintessential AMERICAN company..
I like the idea, but I'm curious to see how it plays out. I'm really not sure what to think in terms of whether it would happen or not, regardless of it being 2022. The reason I say that is because when you look at some other popular companies (I'll use Spyderco and Benchmade for the example), many of their knives could be considered "take-apart".
However, even with Benchmsde having their own custom shop, I don't think either allow for the ordering of extra blades. That's a pretty big jump. When I think of how much money they make on sprint runs, dealer exclusives, etc..., it would seem that having a custom shop where you could order your own steel could cut into that pretty heavily.

To me, I would love to see it, but the way Buck has moved towards bigger BOTM drops, I almost am inclined to think they'd be leaving money on the table going this route. Again, I would absolutely be in line if this option was offered, but when profit is always a major factor in decision making, it makes me question the likelihood a little.

Edit...I also agree with everyone that says they would be able to make money doing this. However, I think with the limited editions, BOTM, etc... they have more control. We either buy it when it is offered, or we have to track it down on the secondary market if we change our mind. Sometimes we end up jumping in on one so we don't regret it later, even though its not our first choice. They hold the upper hand with that format.

Just my ponderings...
I probably won't buy one.
Call me oldskool but, have not ever found a screw knife I like.
Cherish my traditional knives more than all the modern ones.
I've struggled to find extra 112 blades for one of one Customs. Drop points are especially difficult to find as well as any super steel. But Buck has sold the Selector for decades with extra blades. Why not the Take Apart?
I don't think stocking a run of different color micarta would be a big problem. A none slip textured handle would sell I think along with a composite blank you customize. How about for special projects? Companies logo's weddings, Father's Day, Unions ?? 3D printing? You dream it Buck could make it! Right on/in the handle..
Business opportunity anyone?
