• Preorders are LIVE for the 2024 BladeForums Traditional Knife

    Traditional Knife Information Thread - make sure you go in there and read up.

    Requirements: Be a Gold or higher member or have been a member of the forums since 6/2023 with at least 100 posts in the Traditional Forum. Preorder is for people who live in the continental US only, international orders will be separate.

    Delivery expected in Q4 2024, hopefully before the holidays.

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    Serial number request



Dec 2, 2002
Whaaaaa! My e-mail service just crashed! That means that I've lost the addys of all the fine folks who have inquired about sheath info. If you have a sec, please drop me a quick note and let me know if you have or are awaiting info.

In the interest of self preservation, I'm posting a pic of a "wounded Badger". Those of you who have read the GPB Sheaths thread know the story. It was sent to "Camp Okuden" for a "new suit".
Had to shrink the file. I don't know why the pic doesn't open automatically. Maybe some help on that?


  • cnv0012.jpg
    34.4 KB · Views: 488
That piece and sheath are a testimonial to great makers.

I've got to get off my a$$ and send him a couple for new clothes...:D
Something else huh.Thats one happy owner.Read that story and see the pic-What else do you need to know about Busse Blades.Unreal.
Eric to the rescue! Again!! Thanks!!! Can you share the magic with us mere mortals?

Thanks Mike!

I hope one day to see the sheath that got hit. Maybe this should be called "Modular Infi body armor?"
I'll get a pic in March for sure, well, at least I'll have my camera when I see the owner.

I was stunned and proud at the same time when I saw this knife.
For those of us who missed the story, where's the story?
I hope you dont mind but this is such a cool story to read so I pasted it here.Man besides the knife and sheath someone was watching over him...R :eek: :Posted by GPB: How's this for an INFI testimonial!

A buddy-o-mine is on his local PD Tac Team. The AI (After Incident) investigation is over and the story is now clear to be discussed.

During dynamic entry training he was accidently smacked by one of his team members with a .40, close range. Get this.....he was wearing his favorite Busse (old Badger 5/16") John Wayne Green Beret Style inverted on his vest in an Okuden rig. The .40 smacked the Busse and Okuden Sheath dead center of the blade profile. Ready for the finale.........

The sheath is cracked and I think has a hole from the last time I saw it, but the Badger sustained only slight coating removal, PERIOD!

Probably saved his life (I forgot to ask if he had his armor on), that is rest of the story Paul Harvey and it definitely taint no BS. Can anyone truly love their Busse as much as he must?

I'll get in touch with him and get a pic. He is not a forumite. Just one of the many who specifically demanded an Okuden rig for his biggest knife investment. What a Busse payback eh!

Originally posted by Oku

I hope one day to see the sheath that got hit. Maybe this should be called "Modular Infi body armor?"

If it was the sheath I saw it didn't fair near as well as the INFI did :eek: :D

It was missing a "few" pieces :D:D

Great looking knife and pic, thanks for posting it.

BTW, to post the pic, do just as you did, then when you see the link in the thread, click on it, copy that address then come back and edit it into your thread. To insert it into the thread use the following "
" after the address, use the brackets, but no quotes or spaces

I hope that helps
Andrew, your kidding right? Be careful at Blade this year...alcohol, infi and firearms probably wont be a good mix. Especially if you mention this story.

"Hey Andy, balance this knife on your head and we'll shoot it off, okay?..."
