Wroughndt's 1000 post giveaway IS OVER!

Thanks brother for your generosity. I love the way you're recruiting for Bladeforums. I too have done recruiting in the past. I think for the knowledge gained here, the price paid is a mere pittance.

After the passing of my father, I turn to these forums for answers on many things regarding steel and the like. I still use the forums for answers today. The BAD :))) thing about these forums is that I learned about the finer steels of the world. I joke about that because of the cost I've incurred over the years! My dad always told me that a carbon steel blade will hold it's edge longer than a stainless steel one will. Well, that was years ago and dad didn't know about the finer stainless steels out today. I learned those here.

Someday I hope to be a bladesmith and if I ever do, you know where I'll turn for answers.

Kindly enter me down for the Cold Steel Ultimate Hunter. She looks like a nice knife. Thanks again.
I'd love to enter for the Natchez Bowie.

I've learned so much on here. I'd say the most useful thing is how to sharpen, it's such a useful skill with so much information on this site.
I'm in for the Cold Steel Ultimate Hunter please :)

I've learned that the knife community is a group of individuals that are very knowledgeable in a multitude of subjects and that they enjoy sharing with others! The amount of information I've learned about steels here is mind boggling, mind you, mostly from custom knife makers that have to make a living yet still come to the forums and happily answer questions often times for hours on end! A generous group of people indeed!
Winners will be drawn at 6pm mountain time. That is 1hour and 39minutes left!
And the winners are....
Natchez Bowie goes to JungleJim65

Ultimate Hunter goes to "bflying"

Thank you for all of the participation! I will be contacting the winners right away.
Congrats to the winners!
Thanks Wrought!
I'm in for the ultimate hunter

I was pretty new to the knife community before I joined here. I learned about how many custom knife makers were really out there. I also became more familiar with different blade steels, which helped me make a decision to get a custom made.
I'm in for the ultimate hunter! Thanks for the giveaway man. Shout out to BluesBender for some advice in the past...
Congrats to the winners. Great prizes, and thanks to Wroughtnut for the contest!