WWII versus M43

Feb 26, 2002
It appears that during the first part of the 20th century the primary shape for the khukurie issued for war was the M43 style design. Later the WWII khukurie style seems to have been the weapon issued. Was there a reason for this? I have to admit that the M43 look appeals to me more than the WWII, but does one style have an advantage over the other?:confused:

I can't elucidate on the pro's and con's because I haven't worked the M43 enough to become familiar as I should be. It's different handling enough to require exploring the entire envelope of use. Like flying a helicopter after learning to fly fixed wing.

The WW2 has the advantage of being staightforward and more quickly trasitioned to. Skills learnd from similar khuks transfer more quickly, if nothing else. Like going from a Cessna 150 to a larger 6 place single engine.

This doesn't exhaust the differences, just skims the top.
I just got an M43 and absolutely love it. I bought it mostly for the shapem but I'm keeping it for it's handling. I'm still a novice with khuks, but I like the M43 better than the AK and sirupati that I have. For chopping wood, which is all I've ever done with them. I spent over an hour doing that with the M43 yesterday, and it didn't tire me out at all (admittedly, thin branches).

I'll let the experts handle this but personally I think the M43 is more weapon oriented than the WWII.
for me,I know the wife won't like it because I just bought the 41oz. AK.:D But that M43 is calling more and more.:) Is it bad to own so many knives?????I mean thats what knife collecting is all about right.....:D