Nov 7, 2005
I've sort of been lusting for a WWII villager in wood after seeing some in previous specials. (although I hope to get a pen knife first :thumbup:) Looking at today's specials in particular, the BAS and WWII appear fairly similar. I was just wondering if you guys could compare and contrast the two for me.

The BAS is usually 15", while the WWII is 16.5" or 18".

The BAS is more "pointy". The WWII has more belly toward the tip.

The BAS has elaborate sword of shiva markings while the WWII is plain.

Both are well balanced, but the WWII will feel longer and the BAS will feel more stout (though not beefy, like the 15" Ang Khola).

That a good start for ya?

:D :p
Dan just about nailed it. To me the WWII's are much more choppers, while the BAS can chop but also doubles for chores requiring a lighter blade. Like Munk, I prefer the WWII in an 18" length, but many think the 16.5" is the "all around" khukuri.

That 16.5" chandan WWII from the 1/4 deals with standard bolster for $120 would be a really nice WWII to start with, but I also like the villager models myself.

Performance was what I was more curious about. I did notice the physical differences. :P

I'm bit curious about Dan's comment that the BAS feels more 'stout' compared to Norm's comment that the BAS may be better for lighter work. Can you guys elaborate a little bit, these two descriptions seem to be pulling in opposite directions....
Beats me, I guess it's individual perceptions. The 15" BAS to me seems like a lighter all around knife when compared to the 16.5" WWII which is the closest to it in that model. To me, the BAS seems even lighter than a comparable 15" AK, even though on paper they weigh about the same.

At the same time the BAS is very stout and I have no doubt can stand up to about anything you want to throw at it. But the big bellied WWII is heavier and longer and more of a chopper.

When Yangdu says that a 15" BAS is a good camp knife I think she is right on, and it could do just about anything in a pinch. But if I had to delimb a fallen tree or chop thru some comm block body armor I would go with the WWII over the BAS if given a choice. Conversely, if I was going to go on a long hiking trip and could take only one, it would probably be the BAS.

What the hell, just get both and then you'll be covered for either situation. (-:

Good thread bro...I have wondered about this very thing:D

So if I am reading this right, then the WWII (16.5") is a more specialized weapon, whereas the BAS (15) is a more versital tool than can do double duty as a weapon??

I am leaning more towards a BAS as I like the "pointy" ones:p

It takes tha lotion!
I think what Dan is getting at as far as being "stout" is that the BAS is "drawn in" so to speak. All of it's mass is concentrated equally. The WWII on the other hand has a lot more "chop" to it. The BAS is a sort of knifey khuk. Not as knifey as a siru, but not as choppy as an AK. It is the jack-of-all-trades of the 15" khuks. It will do anything in a satisfactory fashion. It's the Jack-of-all-trades character that inspires a love it or hate it feel for the BAS. Many casual one-time buyers, what few that there are, will buy it because it can do everything, just not well. Now those of us that get a touch of the sickness will find it ho-hum. Not a bad khuk by any means. I mean the Gorkhas use it without a problem. We just see the "need" for different khuks for different jobs.
The WWII, OTOH, is IMHO the best all around workhorse khuk an HIKV addict can get. Uncle Bill always really liked the WWII as did Rusty. They said it was the best combo of tool and weapon that can be had in a khuk. Not as much of a chopper as an AK, but far more robust than a siru. I have an 18" Kumar made WWII that was my 3rd khuk. If it hadn't been for the last run of YCS' coming in so perfect for me, then I would STILL be picking up that khuk almost each and every time i went on a camping trip, or a trail clearing, or a bonfire, or to take apart a fallen tree, etc.
I think I have an old friend that I need to go say hello to. Excuse me, friends:)

I think the recent BASs have been a lot lighter than compared to the ones a few years ago. The one's I've seen lately have been 18-20 oz. while the ones a few years ago went up to 24 oz.
I never was in the WWII camp, until I got to handle a 20" one. Awesome blade.

BAS is the most beat-up khuk I have- which means most used. Have needed heavier on occasion, but if you keep chopping- the tree will fall.

Also, the BAS is prettier- and pointier.

WWII can be more yard-tool, shovel-like...

I put a false edge on a WWII- that one, I like...

Ah. Get both and know what we're talkin' aboot.

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