X-Ray Vision/Night Vision

Jan 2, 2003
I have bought a number of SOG knives and tools, but I recently bought an X-Ray Vision which is my first SOG folder.

This post is not meant to be in any way critical... I think the X-Ray gives pretty good value for the money.

BUT... the knife is a little, how can I say this; flimsy. When it is open, it is easy to get the blade to wobble back and forth, and I'm concerned that using the kind of force a knife this large implies that it can handle, might be a tad unsafe.

Can anyone out there familiar with the Vision series comment on the differences between the X-ray, Night and original Vision? It would appear that the only diff between the X-Ray and the Night is G10 vs Zytel scales, but at almost double the money, I'm beginning to suspect there is more difference.

I really like this knife, but should I move up to the Night Vision of the Titanium Vision? I want something sturdy.
I have both the X-Ray and Night Vision. The NV is significantly more rigid, as the liners are thicker, and extend to the edge of the scales. But as you mention, the NV and Ti Visions are more expensive.

I still use my X-Ray quite a bit, I just do not do any heavy prying with it. There is some side to side flex if pressure is applied, but in it's price range, I still find it quite strong due to the lock - same as the othe Visions.
1st off, administrative stuff, I deleted the 2nd copy of the thread - there were no responses. :cool:

The X-Ray Vision is intended as a less expensive alternative to the Vision (the Ti and the now-defunct Night Vision). The X-Ray Vision's Zytel handles do (as far as I have heard) exhibit more flex than the regular Vision. I don't have an X-Ray Vision, but have had both of the others. If memory serves, the liners on the X-Ray are smaller, and the Zytel is molded around them, whereas the Regular Vision the scales are attached afterward, giving a more rigid liner frame.

Just to cover the bases, I don't believe that ANY folders are really intended for prying... ;) . That being said, yes, the Ti and NightVision(s) are a little more rigid than the X-Ray, but are also significantly more expensive...

I am not much of an American Tanto fan, but really like my Night Vision! :eek:

I hope this at least partially answered your concern. If there is concern that your particular knife has more flex than it should, you should contact SOG Warranty for additional guidance.
