Xikar Knives?

Jedi Knife

May 6, 1999
I saw an advertisement for the Xicar Excursion in Blade magazine, and I was wondering if anyone had any experience with the non-cigar cutting Xicar knives. I'm definitely not interested in the cigar cutters, but the knives have me curious. Here is the website Xicar Xi 158 Excursion
Anyone handled these?

You're the man, Brian. Thanks, that serves me well. It's strange that I performed a search of all the forums and didn't come up with any hits. Thanks again.

Now that you have your info, I must report I handled a cigar cutting Xikar that was like a miniature SAK. Pretty nice for such a small, foldable package. The cutter was the scissor type, so it could handle large ring size cigars beyond what you would expect. It looked like a matte gray finish on the steel.

Real nice, but I could not afford it when I saw it. Put my money into the cigars instead.