xmas shopping done baby

Jun 19, 2006
unlike most i just have 3 presents to buy this year-

niece-diamond ring from sears clearance rack,yes really-marked down from $400 to $119-

nephew -3/8 and 1/2 drive torque wrench's from were else sears-lol

and a panera bread gift certificate for mom-thats what she asked for- she and my step dad love that place-
My mother says that I don't need to bring her anything from Seattle; instead, I am to take her on a shopping trip once I've returned to Honolulu. I have already cleared my credit card balance in anticipation of this event. :rolleyes:
I started ordering stuff up for folk in September, and the very last of the gifts arrived early last week. Gives me time to think up some decent ideas. I think the family will be pretty pleased with my picks for once!
I have one more trudge out to Target and the mall left. In order to make it as painless as possible, I have my asst manager coming in to open the store up for me. This way I can get to Target by 8 when they open, grab a few coloring books for my baby sister, grab a couple DVDs and popcorn popper that my wife wants and be at the mall by 9 am. From there, it is smooth sailing. Gift certificates from the same store, and I'm out:) It's funny. I'm picking up a gift cert for my mom from my wife at this store, picking up one for my wife from my mom at this store, and picking up one for my wife from me at this store.
Financial battle plan is set for maximum speed. Credit cards to be used at Target. Their system is fast and easy whether you pay in cash or with CC. Totally cash for gift certs at the mall. There is nothing more annoying than having to spend 5 mins for the store in the mall to try to run your card. They aren't hoppin to help you out either, as i think most of these people make their commission on clothes sales...not gift certs.
Finally, I have to stop off at my dad's favorite place to eat and pick him up a gift cert....and I'll be done.

... Gift certificates from the same store, and I'm out:)


ya know Jake, if you check your friendly local grocery store they often have gift card malls with 10-15 different offerings on there.

Finally finished mine over the weekend (4 hours waiting at toys r us for one toy) why didn't my parents warn me that having kids was so exspensive:) I was a good kid they could have been honest with me:)
ya know Jake, if you check your friendly local grocery store they often have gift card malls with 10-15 different offerings on there.


Thanks:) They do indeed, and i might pick up a couple if the mall is too insane to get through. However, my wife is a funny bird. She hates getting gift cards because they aren't "personal" (I LOVE getting them, because it means I never have to take anything back). However, she will accept one if it is to a certain store she likes in the mall. However, I can't just pick her up a gift card to the mall itself located right by the entrance....oh no. If I'm AT the mall buying her a gift card, then the very least I can do is get it to the store she is going to spend it at (that means a long trek to the place with ample stiff arms for ambling mall-zombies):rolleyes: We'll see. I should have just ordered them online like last year. Like I said, if it nuts at the mall, then I'll just go the easy route and take my lumps later;)
