Y-B Cigars jack made by Camillus?

Apr 4, 2001

One of the posters over on the BRL forum suggested that the Y-B Cigars tang stamped jack I recently acquired may have been manufactured by Camillus. I thought it would be worth asking if you know anything of the knives.

Can you send me photos of the knife and especially the tang stamp?

Tom Williams
Camillus Cutlery Co.
Mr. Williams,

Thanks for the reply. I have emailed scans of the knife and the tang stamp from two email accounts, as my email IP isn't too reliable with attachments. The knife is 3 and 3/8s inches, has cracked ice handles, brass liners, and I guess you can probably see the rest from the scans.

Thank you for sending the photos. They were very helpful.
I located two production records for Yokum Bros. The first card is for a 2 blade jack knife with a spear blade, screwdriver and nickel silver bolster tips (dated 10/7/49). The second card is for the same knife but with steel bolster tips (dated 2/5/51). The brand listed for both cards is "Y-B Cigars".
The "Lipic" knife was also made by Camillus. Our records indicate that we made that knife from 1949 through 1970. While looking through our older records I found a box of the Lipic knives (approximately 6 dozen) that were left over from previous orders.

Tom Williams
Camillus Cutlery Co.
Mr. Williams,

Thank you for the information; it's always satisfying when a mystery is solved. My knife must be from the 1949 production as it has nickel silver bolsters. Now for the next question...How do I get my hands on one of those "factory fresh" Lipic stamped knives?

Thanks again.


PS My check for membership in the Camillus Collector's Club is in the mail.