yahoo email..weird.


Jun 9, 2007
Opened my yahoo account (which I don't use very often) to find some strange emails. I say strange, because they seem automated offers for viagra and whatnot. The strange thing is that they came from actual existing addresses of friends of mine, one yahoo and one hotmail. There was even one from myself to myself.

What's going on? Anybody notice the same thing?
Those email accounts are infected. They've been taken over by spammers to send on their ads from accounts you would be more likely to open. Tell your friends to check for viruses, spyware, change their passwords, maybe even abandon those accounts.
like esav said, your friends pc and probably yours too by now are infected and need antispyware programs ran on them. as for emails sent from your pc to you, i was told that someone spoofed your address so it seems like it came from you. i'm not sure if this is true or not. if you get an email without anything in the subject line and only a link in the email, dont click the link. its usually to an infected site with some nasty viruses.
They're hacking the passwords to hotmail and gmail accounts which won't show up as spy-ware on your computer.Your friends need to change their passwords to difficult ones with combination of symbols,numbers, letters and caps.