Yeller Jacket is now here!

Apr 25, 2001
Got my 6 incher this morning and all I can say is awesome!The design of the blade being forward dropped with no belly screams penetration.As soon as I received it I popped the top off a corona(I just had to try it!)sat down and wrapped the handle.This knife is mean on both ends ,blade and skull crusher,luv the beer opener I mean blade catch,large coil,plenty of hand protection.Its not going to replace my SJackyl,but it will earn a spot in my truck and 4 wheeler as my main backup blade.And oh yea the edge is right on Jerry!
Congrats Marsupial! I also received my 6" PBF and an Uncle Mofo today:cool:

I love the Guiness bottle opener feature:D :cool: :D