Yesterdays Mail

JK Knives

Mar 6, 2001
I received an unexpected package in the mail yesterday. When I opened it I found this. A Randall Model 8 Bird & Trout Old Style with stag handle. A huge thank you goes out to the gentleman who sent this to me. I`ve been feeling a little down lately, and this really turned my day around!


What an amazing surprise! That is my favorite Randall pattern.

What a great gift. That is a fantastic design. (perhaps it was a hint toward a future JK design?)
Wow John ,You must rate pretty high to get a gift like that . like they say he works in mysterious ways.
wow.. that was indeed a genorous gift...:eek: hope things start looking up for you John..:thumbup:
Hi Stomper -

I am sorry to hear you have been feeling down. That beautiful Randall surely is a nice way to perk you up!

Kudos to the anonymous benevolent sponsor!

best regards -

Wow, that was nice and I'm sure a big surprise on your part.

The people on here are a generous bunch. Lately, I've received a couple of items in the mail and it sure does "make your day".
That would brighten my spirits for sure and after all the joy you've sent us in the mail, you deserve a package too!
Awesome Randall John, plan on sticking it in any critters?

I recieved my Randall as a gift too and it quickly turned into one of my favorites, right up there with your knives, John.:D