Yet Another: Medical Kit in Spycapsule

Dec 2, 1999
I think I'm going to try and put together a medical kit in a large spy capsule. I don't want to get too fancy just simple and flexible. I read through several threads to get a better idea. Here's what I think:

Small container providone iodine or alcohol packets
$20 bill

SInce I don't haave the spy capsule yet, is that too much? Comments, changes?
Seems like a lot man. There is a lot of room in the large vs. small, but I don't think that much.

But, loving a challenge, I'm gonna try your list in the next day or so and see. Maybe some of the items rolled into the $20 then inserted. Gonna be tight...
What sort of kit is this? A first aid kit, survival kit or both??
There are absolutely heaps of different staged kits you can make up that compliment another or stand alone. I believe that the most essential items are things that cannot be improvised like medicine.
pain relief
surgical blade

Just a few to start with. How big is your container?
I don't think you can pack all that in a large capsule.

Here's how I carry most of what you have on your list.
Emergency cash in a small capsule on my keyring.
Tweezers in the SAK in my pocket.
Small first aid kit I found at the grocery store for less than $1.00, comes in a plastic bag and will fit easily in any pocket. Has bandaids, antibiotic ointment, Tylenol, etc.
I assume I'll have a knife on me, no meds except for maybe an couple of aspirin.
The floss would not be a full roll, just some off the spool. This is meant for the "Oh Crap, I cut myself at Home Depot" kind of thing.

I think the interior of a large capsule is 5/8" x 2".
No go man. The ID is only 1/2". Not enough diameter to accomodate some of those things.

Geraldo has the key man.

I use one of those plastic advertising bandaid dispensers to keep a few bandaids (3 .75x3, 3 butterfly), 2 antibiotic ointment packets, and 2 scalpel blades (#10 & #11).

Meds are in a small Spy (3 days worth), and a pair of Sliver Grippers attached.

Haven't taken to carrying $$ in one yet.

Good idea though Dave.