Yet another version of the Tracker Knife


Platinum Member
Jun 29, 1999

The exciting feature The Hunted will be out theaters within weeks. Staring Tommy Lee Jones, Benico Del Toro, the film is bound to be alot of fun. Especially when it co-stars the Tops version of the Beck Tracker knife. As much as I liked the knife, I was never too keen on having a sawback mounted on the forward top of the blade.

Recently, I exchanges a few notes with Bill Siegle on the Tracker Knife and pursuaded him to make me a slightly modified version of the knife. The knife shown above was the result. The knife clearly give flatters the good design developed by Tom Brown, Beck and Tops. However, we did make a number of changes.

In place of the sawback Bill's knife sports a sharpened clip point, backed by a solid hammering ridge which can be used to either drive the edge or pound stakes. The change also aligns the point with the handle, which for me at least makes the point easier to use. We retained most of the original blade shape but widened the ricasso to provide a more pronounced guard. Then we changed the handle configuration to make it almost as comfortable to use with the edge up as it is with the edge down.

Like most of Bill Siegle's knives this one is made from 5160 high carbon steel coated in Teflon and handled in G10. Bill also made the sturdy Khydex sheath with Tek-lok which fits the knife like a glove. The combination weighs in at a respectible 26oz.

I was impressed by Bill's knife. It posseses that elusive quality which simply makes it feel good in hand. At least for me its a good fit.

Bill's web page:

See more examples of Bill Siegle's work here

N2S,I have the same kerambit you have listed in under Bill's neck knives.Do you or have you carried it as a neck knife? What I love about it is it is so simple and fits well in the hand.I am working on a piece of redheart I got and am making scales for it.Depending on how the wood works when I cut it I am thinking of making the edge overlap the side's of the knife and cutting fingergrooves in the wood.I made a kydex template and it looks doable.I am just not to sure how I am going to attach it.I will have to see if the holes already in it will be enough. I will have Bill make another before I drill.Anyway I will post it when done.It will be a while.I am working on a trick quick open custom sheath that is eating up all my time.Gaaawwdd I love messing with this stuff..................R

I have not carried it, and it is just a part of the collection right now. To me the kerambit should be a minamalist knife. It is a defensive item more then a utility tool. Just a little something to carry around as a backup in case it is needed. Getting scales on it sounds cool, but the extra weight and bulk would make it less comfortable and more visible. It comes down to how you intend to use it.

The holes in the handle are quite large. I am not sure how hard the handle is, but you may want to check with Bill before you start drilling new ones. You may have to anneal the tang before you work on it, and whatever coating is on it will have to come off to get a good bonding surface. In other word; check with him because it may be easier to just make a new one with your handle modification.

Have fun.

I am not going to do anything that cant be undone without even scratching the knife.I like it for the same reasons you said.I am just playing around with some pretty nice pieces of wood and i am not even sure they would go as good as a synthetic would.I have some really textured thick ass kydex I am going to mess with and see how it forms into scales also.If I want something like it I would just have Bill make one I wont screw this one up I really like it and it feels good in my hand just the way it is.............R