Yet more A-stan pics

Nice pictures, John.

Looks like you have a small island of sanity there.

Things are looking good !

Keep the pictures coming and Good Luck!
Thanks for the interesting view of life there...

I noticed the concrete "jersey barriers" - help with any incoming, I guess...

Stay well and safe, John.

(and the '03's you mentioned will continue to be around but are pricey. Eyes open.)

After Grandpa Lyman got gassed in 1918, they made him an MP. They took away his 03-A3 and 1911 and gave him a Winchester 1917 and an S&W 1917 .45. (This change in MOS also made him an artillery target as he directed traffic at crossroads just behind the front.)

He bought both for cheap when he mustered out. (After all, there would be no more big wars. :rolleyes: ) Both passed to me.

The Winchester has a pretty nice peep sight. His judgment was that the Winchester was pretty heavy to carry but actually shot better than his Springfield.

Good luck with yours.
Tom's story reminds me why there is much good in inheritence.

Lucky dog.

I have a 1917 that still has the black and red band round the fore end. I love that old gun! Mine will feed and function perfectly with 7 rounds (6 in the mag and one slipped into the chamber).

It was very gratifying to use one day when a friend was trying to destroy a 4x4x6 block of lumber with his AR. It would twitch when he hit it, but nothing serious. One round of vintage orange/white tip tracer/incendiary ammo actually split block in half and set it on fire! He was dumbstruck. :D

Spectre, PM me your mailing address. I have a bunch of swag here around the office and I will throw you a few goodies in the mail.

Gotta love when mail comes in, huh? Keep your spirits up and your head down, man. I still got to hit another blade show with you.
Pleased you got the book and the Phoenix shower gel so quick.

Didn't realise you have a the Green Howards and the Ghurka Regiment there too. You are in good company!

I see the British and Canadian flags in the other picture as well.
Yeah, the Brits (and the sole Gurkha) I've seen looked pretty squaired away. And then, there's the French...
Well, one of the French soldiers wears such an outsized beret, it looks like he's wearing a pizza on his head! The French tend to sunbath in little thongs on top of a bomb shelter in their section. I try not to look as we walk by.

see any canadian soldiers out there?

they would be the ones wearing all green fatigues in the middle of a tan desert.

oh wait, i think we fixed that one. :rolleyes:
Chaplain's office huh? Sounds like a good deal. Me and some buddies in my unit have been following your website to get an idea of what its like over there. Stay safe.