youngest member?

I hate to rain on this thread, but I will remind you that if you admit to being less than 13. we have to ban you; sorry, but it's the rules.
im 16 and seem to be a child among men.

Don't worry about it; a lot of the men act like children.

Seriously, I have a mousepad with a picture of a dog sitting at a computer, paws on the keyboard, and the caption reads, "On the internet, nobody knows that you're a Springer Spaniel."

On the internet, you are as old and mature as you act.
I hate to rain on this thread, but I will remind you that if you admit to being less than 13. we have to ban you; sorry, but it's the rules.

Thanks a lot, Chuck. Now how are we supposed to catch them? ;)
Aaaaww geez, there goes Rat...and Ren...and Gus...everyone in W&C...and...oh boy, this is bad. There'll only five BFC members left after this. Dang.

Oh, wait. You mean age, not *maturity*. Thank goodness. We're cool then. :D

I traded for my first good knife, a Case Hunter, around the age of 13. :thumbup: Been lovin' all things sharp & pointy since then.

thx - cpr


And this one is for those who see in Color, out there. :D

Fifteen, joined up when I was fourteen... wait, huh, what?
...scratches head, tries to figure out age...
Good thread sharpguyjp! :thumbup:

It is too easy to forget, maybe rather not forgive/and accept, others are not on or at the same level as oneself as a 52 year old, be kind to this old fuddy duddy!!! :D
I say we give our oldest forumite his/her own subforum where they can tell their tales. A place to pass on his/her knowledge and experiences through wonderful colorful stories! ...A place where their senseless ramblings can be secluded from the rest of the posts j/k! :p
I say we give our oldest forumite his/her own subforum where they can tell their tales. A place to pass on his/her knowledge and experiences through wonderful colorful stories! ...A place where their senseless ramblings can be secluded from the rest of the posts j/k! :p

I hate to rain on this thread, but I will remind you that if you admit to being less than 13. we have to ban you; sorry, but it's the rules.

:eek: Can't I at least get a goodbye? :(

Yes, I was kidding. :rolleyes: