Your Choice?

When I have a folder in my pocket I'll carry my swipes champ in a pouch on my belt. When I have a fixed blade on my belt depending on what I'll be doing I'll either carry a B.O. Leather man wave with pocket clip or drop a Vic. Huntsman lite in my pocket.
I have a Squirt in the truck console, but I am NEVER without my Vic Waiter - NEVER....

I like it because it has a blade, I use it daily to cut up a knife and cheese for my lunch or a snack, and it has a corkscrew for wine bottles, and a bottle opener for beer bottles, and a can opener for whatever (ya gotta eat...)

Finally, it has tweezers that work very well, and a toothpick.



When "win" starts with a V....


I carried a Kershaw A100 while in Iraq. The locking jaws was more handy than I would have thought possible in a relatively small package. When it was time to come home I passed it on to another soldier fresh off the plane. As far as I know, Kershaw stopped manufacturing the A100, which is a shame. A few years later I tried to replace it with a SOG EOD Power Lock (or whatever, at the time there was only 2... stainless and coated). It just wasn't the same so I don't carry it. The angle of the jaws was as much of a boon (on the A100) as the locking mechanism. IF I carry a SAK (which is rare), I carry the Cadet or an Adventurer (non-BSA).

To actually answer the question: These days I prefer a SAK.
Around town I carry I carry a Cadet, in the woods it's usually a Farmer in my pocket and a Wave or Supertool in my pack. If I'm going light just a Lumberjack that I carry in a kydex sheath on a cord around my neck and a LM Sideclip.