Yvsa back at hospital..

Yvsa is up and moving around a bit. He's doing well. He called Barb on the phone in his room. He is medicated enough not to be terribly restless in the hospital.

The tests showed one type of infection, and further testing (due Friday) will probably confirm yet another type of infection. He's on anti-biotics now. It was pain in his lower back from the infections which returned him to the hospital. The neck work seems good, although was not a one-time event, additional work may need to be done.

He and Barb are coping. Let's hope this is a long-term resolution of on-going problems. Gawd knows he's cranky enough when he's healthy!

Good news, lets hope all the infections are treated quickly and proper healing can take place. :thumbup:
Thanks for the update. Infections are bad news, but the good news is once properly treated there shouldn't be any residual pain from the infection, unlike back pain from his other issues.
Infections suck. Ms Hd got a pretty bad one after she had surgery. They had her on some kickass antibiotics and then after she recovered she was lactose intolerant!:eek:
Infections suck. Ms Hd got a pretty bad one after she had surgery. They had her on some kickass antibiotics and then after she recovered she was lactose intolerant!:eek:

probably wiped out all of the good flora she had in her digestive tract...

lactase pills and active culture yogurt (they make a particularly active kind) and other active cultures that one can take in pill form might help.

Prayers going up here as well. I knew he went in on 11/18 but hadn't heard anything since, and figured I would check in for news.

Sending up smoke and prayers for a full quick recovery.


Prayers going up here as well. I knew he went in on 11/18 but hadn't heard anything since, and figured I would check in for news.

Sending up smoke and prayers for a full quick recovery.



'bout time you checked in, Norm.

'bout time you checked in, Norm.


I know, what can I say? (-:

I feel like the long-lost son coming home. I sure miss this place and you guys. I got too caught up in the DOTD frenzy there for a while and lost track of the real meaning here. My collection is down to a more manageable size now! ;)

Anyway, I was reminded to stop by, by an old friend.

Monday, December 7, 2009 Update:

The second infection is clearing up. Hospital took blood, is going to put markers in it, put it back in Yvsa, and track where the white cells go, to see if there are other areas of infection.

He's still in hospital, but walking around, and willing to stay there just to get this nonsense over with once-and-for-all.

Barb's doing well, and Ace, the dog, has taken over the recliner. :)