Yvsa broke the forum again


HPIC - Hatas gonna Hate
Staff member
Super Mod
Oct 2, 1998
Sorry about the slow loading - Yvsa broke the forums again.

Yvsa - I need to know what browser you are using so I can report this bug to Infopop. Once was coincidence, but this is the third time one of your posts screwed up the forum so it has to be either your browser or something you are doing.


Kevin Jon Schlossberg
SysOp and Administrator for BladeForums.com

Insert witty quip here
Spark I wrote you about a post that I had made that showed the unregistered user again and I posted about it in the service forum.

The only thing I know for us to do is to e-mail webtv to get the info on their browser.
I will get the e-mail address for you asap.

Here's the post I made in the S & S Forum that shows the URL of the missing, unregistered post.

Spark this showed up on my 1st post of today in the H.I.Forum.
This post doesn't show the `unregistered post.'
I also posted a reply to another post in the H.I.Forum and it didn't show the `unregistered' eiher.
Scroll down until you see the following..

____unregistered   posted --20-100_____
I put the lines around it to make it easier to see. Here's the URL for the post.


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Author Topic:   Off Topic Post. WHO SAYS REDNECK AREN'T REAL BRIGHT?? Yvsa
Posts: 2602
From: Catoosa,OK.U.S.A.
Registered: May 99 posted 04-07-2001 11:14 AM           
Just thought a little humor might start the day off right. Hello, is this the FBI?"
"Yes. What do you want?"
"I'm calling to report about my neighbor Billy Bob Smith! He is hiding marijuana inside his firewood." "Thank you very much for the call, sir."   The next day, the FBI agents descend on Billy Bob's house. They search the shed where the firewood is kept. Using axes, they split open every piece of wood, but find no marijuana. They swore at Billy Bob and left..
The phone rings at Billy Bob's house.
"Hey, Billy Bob! Did the FBI come?"
"Did they split up all your firewood?"
"Merry Christmas Buddy"
Indin word for lousy hunter.
IP: Logged

____unregistered   posted --20-100_____
IP: Logged
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Hats & Knife Bags


Indin word for lousy hunter.
Spark, ya gotta understand, Yvsa's just not happy unless he's testing limits. Doesn't matter if its khukuris, puukkos, forums, software or the soft underbelly of rival clans!!!


Live Free or Die

Blues' Knife Pix
Spark here's some addresses that should help.
I will contact them as well and see if I can get them to contact you.




Resolution team.

Guys I am truly sorry that there is a problem with webtv.
And I noticed the unregistered post to late the other day to stop it from going through.
I thought that deleteing my cookies had fixed the problem, but I guess not.
I will now watch for the unregistered post when I post and maybe that will stop the problem.
It seems really strange that I'm the only webtv user that has the problem.
Jaeger, Laurance (Rhino Knives), and Walsosi are all webtv users and they haven't had any trouble it seems.


Indin word for lousy hunter.
Yvsa - Spark
WebTV has been chasing through their various servers, sealing security and ironing out last of the problems with their last upgrade. Yvsa, you may have been on a stand-by server when the trouble occurred, or run into a glitch while your normal server, for your area, was being de-bugged. I wiped out an entire thread on SIG Forums just by hitting the "submit post" button. SIG, S&W and Knife forums have all, to some extent, had problems this week. Hopefully,this too shall pass.
Walosi do you know anythiing about the WebTV browser or who WebTV uses?
I have always thought it was on the WebTV Servers.
Maybe I could get some info from the webtv users forum?
This bugs the hell out of me and I can't begin imagine what it would be like to wipe out a whole thread!!!!


Indin word for lousy hunter.
<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by Bill Martino:
Everything seems to have bugs of some kind waiting to give us misery.


Yea, Verily!!!
Yvsa, I sent what I could glean from this thread to a WTV Guru from the RBJ57 Group, and he reminded me of the perennial warnings against cleaning out your cookies - in his opinion the cookies inserted into your browser (in this case, your actual set and not the WTV server) by Blade Forum's server have lost you the capability of being recognized by the Blade Forum server. WTV cannot selectively clear individual cookies (yet...they say this is coming) so "delete cookies" is an all or nothing proposition until they work out a change. I think my thread erasure was a coincidence of timing, as 'puter users were complaining about the same things happening on their attempts to post on this particular forum.
Hey Bro: I'm ROTFLMAO out of shear relief it wasn't me that done it. I hope.
<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by Rusty:
Hey Bro: I'm ROTFLMAO out of shear relief it wasn't me that done it. I hope.</font>

The cause of the disruption in the servers is the anger of the small metal spirits who were displaced when cold-hearted researchers broke them out of their natural......That ought to do it.....Now there should be a post from Jim, something like "CUT OUT THAT SNAKEOIL B______T!!!
Yeah, we will all be around,no doubt.
Doldrums? We have most khuks.

I was talking with Elko. This time I spoke directly en Espanol/English.

I should get the perfect spade and spur set this time.

I went back to the old Santa Barbara Spade.

The spoon looks cool and you can engrave it,
but the horses like the old high port with the roller on top.

The spoon spade thows off the balance. It has too much weight up top.

It sure looks purty, though.

We do this for the horses, right?

[This message has been edited by buckaroo (edited 04-14-2001).]
Suggest the Phoenix or Thunderbird for another reincarnation. Good to hear from you.

Thing I love about Elko is that coming from Reno, you cross the Humboldt, then go thru a tunnel, then on the other side of the tunnel, ten miles out of Elko, is a sign to report highway shootings. Road rage? Snipers?

Not hardly. The number is 1-800-XXX-3030. If that doesn't tip you off, it's part of Operation Gamethief, the state anti-poaching effort.

Nice to see they still have the right attitude. I-80 between Reno and Sacramento has had it's snipers, and I-80 from Elko on has it's poachers. It isn't that it's behind the times, the question is if it's far enough behind the times to be good to live in.

"Ayo Ghorapani!"

[This message has been edited by Rusty (edited 04-14-2001).]
I use an old WebTV Classic set. I can't remember when I last got an upgrade. I delete my cookies all the time and I have never had any problems with any of the forums. Go figure.