Zaan Spydie flick


Platinum Member
Nov 8, 2022
Hey guys,
Forgive me if I am the last one to figure this out. Anyone realize you can no wrist middle finger flick a Zaan?
Got one.. well actually two recently and fell in love. The only thing that would have made it perfect would be if I could middle finger flick it. Well today I learned I can! Quite well actually lol..
Anyone else?
Yes I’ve been able to do it with any CRK with dual studs, even the small inkosi
You can upload a short video using imgur. I'm pretty decent at spydieflicking, but I just tried it on my Zaan and it's not going for it. Mine's a little stiffer than my couple well worn in Sebenzas though.
Lol yeah I figured I couldn't be "The Chosen One"
I definitely find that all three flicks thumb, spydie, and front flip are much more secure with a finger firmly planted on the lock bar stabilizer.. Stinking love the Zaan! Hasn't left my work carry since it got here.