zero edge geometry

Dec 13, 2003
Is zero edge geometry as offered in the zero tolerance line the same as or similar to a scandi grind?
I think Zero Tolerance is the just the name of the line, I dont think they have a zero edge grind. Mine doesnt at least. It might have been reprofiled though.
In one of Jerry's posts about the zero tolerance line I think he mentions "zero edge geometry" but it isn't explained in the post. I think it whould be great if he came out with a scandi grind knife with a four inch blade.
The ZT line did have a zero edge. It is basically a full convex type thing. It is one continuous grind if you will. There is no shoulder between the main grind and the cutting edge, if that makes sense. I am not good at describing it. To sharpen it, you strop it like a razor.
ok so it's like the last grind on ?...


I believe so. I think when you strop the blade material is taken off evenly on both sides so there is never a shoulder to interfere with the material that you want to cut. Many people put a secondary bevel on flat grind blades to achieve the same effect as a full convex or zero grind.
Does that means GW is not a Zero Edge :confused:


p.s. The picture above is borrowed from Rat Finkenstein at "Sticky: Nothing But Pics...." section.
Hope Rat will understand that I had to use it for some Busse knowledge. Nice sets of picture btw:)
The GW's are not ZG. You can see the sharpened angles. A zero grind looks flat right to the edge:thumbup:
I don't have much knife knowledge, but seems to me majority on market is Zero Edge Grind preferr. Busse does have several models are ZE grind that ppl just praised about. I think FSHLE is but i am not 100% sure.

So my question goes. For Busse, why not do ZEG on all the new models so hogs all go wild. Is there an advantage doing other types of grind over popular ZEG?

Why Not go

ZEG on GWs.
ZEG on EVERYTHING :confused:

Anyone would tackle on my qustion? I assume not to do ZEG because other grind mint be stronger for some heavy impact. But GWs are so small are not meant to do big boy job. Why not ZEG on GWs?