ZT 0400 best bang for the buck?

Nov 26, 2006
Strictly talking about the Zero TOlerance knives here...

the grind on this blade is reminiscent of the nightmare strider
blade material is s30v (personal favorite)
3.625 inch blade length


the handle is alot like the blur with the trac insert (very grippy)

I do not own this knife and for the money I would probably get a S30V Blur and a couple of 100oz water bladders but nonetheless this knife has me thinking:cool:
Now Steve, you should know that what you posted is a no-no in the discussion forums.

Gus Kalanzis aka Bastid

I have one of every model of the Zero Tolerance knives. I got the 0400 last in a combo edge and like it better than any of them. Use it more too. Not a lot but more than the others. I like lockbacks overall better but of the liner locks I do use its one of two, the other being an old 1998 Emerson SpecWar.

Note that the handle of the fixed blade 0100 model is the same as the handle of the 0200. This is by design so there is no adjusting to a different grip in the field. They even included a sheath with a pocket on front that the folders fit right into. Although the 0200 is the closest match to the 0100 handle if you hold up the 0400 to it, you see that it too is a very close match to it for shape so there is very little if any adjustment needed to go to it or the 0200. I find the team up concept of this design to be a great selling point for the fixed blade and one of the two matching folders.

Leave it to master maker Ken Onion to put all that together in this well thought out package deal sold separately. Just another one of the many reasons he is in a league by himself.

I own the ZT 0400 Tonto combo edge. It's the best tactical knife I've ever owned. I had just purchased three SOG Trident Tonto's, one for me and two for my sons. I gave mine to a Marine Major at work who is due to rotate to OEF or OIF in the near future. The SOG is a great little knife, very well made and handy, but the ZT is what it claims to be, a no nonsense heavy duty tactical knife. Too much for work-a-day carry. I normally carry a filed MOP Hubertus Slimline that has about a 2.5" cutting edge except when I'm armed, then I carry a more lawyer friendly knife, 4-Blade Congress Boker or an old classic Buck Stockman from the early 70s. Having no shortage of choices, I will always carry this ZT in the outdoors or when I'm at the range. I've probably owned, traded, collected or otherwise handled over a hundred similar knives, the ZT is in a class of its own - world class.:thumbup:
Holy thread-resurrection Batman! 2yrs :eek:

daves_daily, you've got good tastes in knives. :cool:
