Are spears illegal to carry in Arizona

Jan 19, 2022
i bought a replica of the spear of leonidas and was wondering if i was able to carry it in public I'm only 18 which limits my rights as for a knife I'm only allowed to carry a pocket knife but was wondering about spears its not meant to be a weapon but a decoration for a home or office, so I dont know if that changes what laws it falls under the whole spear itself with the handle is 57cm or 22in long
i bought a replica of the spear of leonidas and was wondering if i was able to carry it in public I'm only 18 which limits my rights as for a knife I'm only allowed to carry a pocket knife but was wondering about spears its not meant to be a weapon but a decoration for a home or office, so I dont know if that changes what laws it falls under the whole spear itself with the handle is 57cm or 22in long

If it's a decoration for home of office, why does it matter if you can carry it in public? Perhaps it's not just for a decoration for home or office?
If it's a decoration for home of office, why does it matter if you can carry it in public? Perhaps it's not just for a decoration for home or office?
its advertised as a home or office decoration but the tip is still made out of steel and could be used in a self-defense or life threatening emergency which is why im confused if im allowed to carry it
Don't carry it. Just don't. People will think you're a nut, and they'll be right.
i understand what your saying normal people if they wanted to carry a weapon would be a handgun or a knife but if its legal for me to carry i wouldn't really care what people think of me i go through life that way anyways if you think that im crazy then cool thats your opinion if its a fact then i wont argue with the truth
i have not recieved the spear yet i wanted to find out before i got it i can send you a link to the ebay listing of who i got it from
No, that's OK. I was just checking to see if you had any Spear Skills.

You don't want the bad guys to take it from you. What would they do with it, do you think?
i understand what your saying normal people if they wanted to carry a weapon would be a handgun or a knife but if its legal for me to carry i wouldn't really care what people think of me i go through life that way anyways if you think that im crazy then cool thats your opinion if its a fact then i wont argue with the truth

If it is private property they can kick you out for no reason. So even if the spear is legal you still may get your access to the world severely restricted.

And private property is any property that isn't yours. So shops, parks, buses all that kind of thing.
i bought a replica of the spear of leonidas and was wondering if i was able to carry it in public I'm only 18 which limits my rights as for a knife I'm only allowed to carry a pocket knife but was wondering about spears its not meant to be a weapon but a decoration for a home or office, so I dont know if that changes what laws it falls under the whole spear itself with the handle is 57cm or 22in long
You are able to hunt feral hogs or fish carp with a spear in some states so I don't see why you would be unable to legally have one on your person. I would look up the general knife or "deadly weapon" laws for the state and if nothing is mentioned, move on to look up fish and game regulations. I would still be careful about where you posses it. Some state or federal owned properties may require you not have one or have it locked up or whatever because it will be viewed as a hunting weapon or fishing tackle. So, don't be surprised if you're carrying a spear all innocently down a trail next to a river and law enforcement pulls up and asks to see your fishing license.
Carrying a spear in a rural area might not raise any eyebrows (pig hunting, protection from feral dogs, etc), but if you're carrying a spear in an urban environment, don't be surprised if you encounter some members of law enforcement.

At best, maybe such an encounter will be friendly. At worst, they might come at you with guns drawn, and one wrong move by you, or misinterpreted by them, and you could end up being a story on the evening news "A man armed with a spear was shot and killed by police today in downtown...".

I won't presume to speak for members of law enforcement (there are several here on this forum, current and retired), but I would imagine that if a cop/deputy received a call over the radio of a guy carrying a spear in public, that they probably aren't going to be thinking "the curator of an African artifacts museum", or "a guy on his way to a costume part", they're probably thinking "possible 5150 (mentally ill person)", or worse, "mentally ill person armed with a deadly throwing weapon".

Everyone has a phone, and it's real easy to call 911 and report "A man carrying a SPEAR". Some people might find the sight of a guy walking around in public with a spear to be downright unnerving. And these days, people are not the least bit reluctant to call the cops on people for the slightest reason (think "Karen's"). And when they call, they aren't likely to say "But he looks like a very nice, harmless, law-abiding young man"

And then there's this, it's my understanding that a lot of people carry firearms in Arizona. In such an environment, I don't think it would be a good idea to walk around in public carrying what most people would consider a very strange weapon IN YOUR HAND. That sounds like something that could easily lead to a misunderstanding that could get you shot.

Just some friendly advice. Welcome to Bladeforums :).
I wouldn't carry it... maybe the seller is wrong and it's not a replica. A real leonidas spear would be worth alot of $.
Live in Arizona, carry a spear/walking stick daily when walking the dog, as in knives its not what you carry, but how you carry it, and where………generally speaking, don’t take it into the bank or govt offices.
Welcome to BF.

Consider this: even if somebody here tells you that it’s OK to carry, it’s an internet forum .... they might be wrong and you are screwed.

Several subfora here discuss swords that are about the same size as your 22” spear, so for BF, it’s not a crazy question.

But to get a definitive answer, i suggest to check with the county sheriff were you live, and ask him/her instead.

If it was a legit spear of Leonora’s that would stay in a box never to see the light of day this is a replica of the spear of Leonora’s from assassins creed odyssey
I wouldn't carry it... maybe the seller is wrong and it's not a replica. A real leonidas spear would be worth alot of $.
Live in Arizona, carry a spear/walking stick daily when walking the dog, as in knives its not what you carry, but how you carry it, and where………generally speaking, don’t take it into the bank or govt offices.
Did you get this information from a wed site if you did please send a link