Hey, Morrow...just do your job.


My uncle said that you were allowed to be stupid OR arrogant. Just don't be both at the same time.
Maybe instead of acting like you're some hi-speed low-drag tough guy, you could act like a regular human being without a chip on his shoulder.
Keyboard Warrior, BTDT Bad Ass.

See ya' ! :thumbup: :D

Kinda neat: the title "Morrow...just do your job" is actually what sort of ended up happening...Morrow or one of the other mods/Spark did their job and shot the troll...
What a happy and funny ending to that one,
way to be Spark.
I don't know where this guy came from, but the last couple of days he showed up in a ton of Gen threads and in almost every post he was antagonizing, rude, or just combative with no cause to be. Thanks for taking out the trash mods.
Shitbird is the best and funniest insult I've heard in a while...thanks for the laugh.

Could someone post a pic of a shitbird. a pic or it does not exist:)
Shitbird is the best and funniest insult I've heard in a while...thanks for the laugh.

Could someone post a pic of a shitbird. a pic or it does not exist:)

I believe that it is a game found in the primate exhibit. I would not want to be in a position to take that photo personally.