2022 Alox LE Color

I was actually Just coming to see if anyone posted this yet

Got the new SMKW catalog in the mail today and it has them pictured. I didn't see them on the site yet though. I'll try to post a picture of the picture tomorrow if nobody else beats me to it. No cadet again this year btw.
Ugh. Thankfully, I'll be saving a little money this year on a highly redundant knife (for me).
They should really be offering configurations they don't do these in or specials. That would make me pay the new higher prices.
Like a Bantam X or Rambler.
Here's a quick pic. It took me a while to get the lighting this morning back because it is so gray here in the PNW ;)

My take is that it is interesting but not exciting. I personally hoped for something bolder (no surprise there 🤪), but I have no doubt they will sell. I wouldn't completely rule out picking up the classic at some point, but since I am not a completist when it comes to collecting these I'll likely take a pass.

I wish people would stop buying multiples of the same knives simply because there is a variation in color. Victorinox has little motivation to improve existing products (like making a Cadet with scissors) when they keep selling out existing models based solely on a slight color change.
Wow $75 for the pioneer X? That seems a little crazy. I just got a Knifecenter exclusive red colored one for under $50.
Yea, I didn't catch that at first. Even last years limited model retailed for $70
All these promo pictures are messing with my brain. When I glance at it it just looks like the whole picture is in black and white.
I wish people would stop buying multiples of the same knives simply because there is a variation in color. Victorinox has little motivation to improve existing products (like making a Cadet with scissors) when they keep selling out existing models based solely on a slight color change.

Or maybe folks can buy what they like, and it's totally fine. Victorinox has a good business model, and their products are excellent. If you don't see something you specifically want, you can always go aftermarket.

In other news, I'll definitely be getting this Pioneer X.
Kinda on the fence about the color. I know it will probably look good in person!! 🤔😉
John 😎
These are up on DLT.
I'll delete this if this is frowned upon, just a heads up.
Or maybe folks can buy what they like, and it's totally fine. Victorinox has a good business model, and their products are excellent. If you don't see something you specifically want, you can always go aftermarket.
I had the same thoughts but I thought I'd wait for our resident "That guy", and I just knew you'd be along in due time ;)

I'd love to see 84mm scissors as much as the next guy, but I don't really see any correlation to that and less variety in color, and plenty of us happen to enjoy that variety in color.
I had the same thoughts but I thought I'd wait for our resident "That guy", and I just knew you'd be along in due time ;)

I'd love to see 84mm scissors as much as the next guy, but I don't really see any correlation to that and less variety in color, and plenty of us happen to enjoy that variety in color.
Yes, innovation and recycling don't have to be mutually exclusive. In fact, they are different sides of marketing.
The 84mms just fit my life better and the thing it lacks the most is a scissors.
But new tool sets/combos would be nice.
A "vault" series would be welcome, they've cut a lot over the years. Even Leatherman brought back some of their originals.
I had the same thoughts but I thought I'd wait for our resident "That guy", and I just knew you'd be along in due time ;)

I'd love to see 84mm scissors as much as the next guy, but I don't really see any correlation to that and less variety in color, and plenty of us happen to enjoy that variety in color.

Naturally! I just thought it was a ridiculous statement to make. As you say, releasing the same knife in a different color is one of the things Victorinox just does, and their fans (like you and me) happen to enjoy that. The idea that they should stop those other offerings because someone wants scissors is...well, you know.

Yes, innovation and recycling don't have to be mutually exclusive. In fact, they are different sides of marketing.
The 84mms just fit my life better and the thing it lacks the most is a scissors.
But new tool sets/combos would be nice.
A "vault" series would be welcome, they've cut a lot over the years. Even Leatherman brought back some of their originals.

A theory I have is it's possible that Victorinox tracks what sells and doesn't sell through some mechanism or tool, and they've got data to prove that the tools they provide currently are the most successful models. As an example, there's a reason why the Pioneer X (with scissors) appears to have supplanted the Pioneer (with no scissors) in the special variant run, despite the fact that the PX is a thicker tool in the pocket, all things considered.

It also bears mentioning that amount of Victorinox's offerings that we here in America never see, is huge. HUUUUGE. I'm a member of a few Victorinox Facebook pages and literally every day people are posting knives that we never got here in the States, ALOX in crazy, beautiful colors, knives with neat toolsets that were never offered here, etc. So, who knows, maybe they do make what you want, but you just can't get it here.