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2nd Question

Hi Mike,

The deal on the Boa I bought was at a very fair price. I most likely would not have bought this knife at a "store" at store prices. You gave me a chance to try out this knife and I have enjoyed it. :D

Thanks again!
Based on what has passed through and/or left my shop heading in your direction, MikeO and I see you as a true collector. :)
Michael, you are nothing but someone, like myself, who enjoys knives.

If you are a knife dealer then I am a knife dealer. I am not, neither are you.

You are one of the most honest members I know of on bladeforums and it saddens me that you are even going through this.
Heck No !, you've given me and from what I've seen others, great deals. That's that. I was once accused of being a dealer way, way back about 4 years ago. Turns out I wasn't a dealer but just had a huge amount of production knives that I started selling (most of which were NIB). I sold them to buy more customs !;) Anyway, like me....you have alot of stuff that you decide you either no longer need and could use the $$ for you responsibilities. Or, you use the $$ to buy other knives....he,he. Take care.....RDT
Hey Mike,

You gave me a GREAT deal on the CR Project I.You could have easily sold the knife for more.I'm unsure as to why anyone would think you are a dealer.(?)
Seems to me you are a collector that sells some to buy more:):) Nothing wrong with that!

Take care,

We've done deals that have gone each way. I feel priveledged to have bought things from you and I feel priveledged that you have praised the modifications I have done to your Sebenza. And it is my sincere hope that you like the new one you are soon to recieve. And I hope you know if for any reason it's not for you, you can return it:)

Best regards,

Barry H
Bro, if you were a dealer you'ld be makiing no money. I've seen you sell things at wholesale cost sometimes and what I bought from you was like half what the damn thing cost in a store, I got an excellent deal from you and have been ever appreciative. I wear that sucker every day !
When you offered to sell me a $400.00 custom Crawford for $250, how could you be considered a dealer? You sure weren't making any money on that knife! No, I never thought you might be a dealer. A very busy trader, yes, but a dealer, no. Best regards Mike. I have enjoyed all our interactions both on knife deals and just shooting the breeze. Be well.

Leo Gilbert :D
Mike, I'm not sure what's generating these questions but you are aces and certainly not a dealer.
I havent forgotten when 2 of your packages were stolen and you sent me my money back and you waited for USPS to pay insurance months later.
I would please like to reiterate - I am not implying that anyone on the forums, especially the many friends I buy, sell and trade with - has ever, EVER treated me with anything other than fairness, kindess and respect. Always.
Not for a minute, the price you gave me on a great knife was very well priced, If anything you are losing money let alone making a profit.
Thanks for the great deal:D
Though we've never dealt, nor even conversed in any form IIRC, the company you keep here, and their comments speak volumes about your positive character...

I see from your profile that you're in Japan, and while I don't know if you're Japanese (if you are, you have an incredible command of the English language btw), or if that causes you to have a greater sense of honor than most, but...

Your contributions to our collective hobby are recognized as being beyond reproach to date; and a rapid turnover of knives, regardless of profitability, whether positive or negative, isn't the barometer by which 'dealer's' are measured.

Dealers are measured by intent, successful or not.

That's a 'round about' way of saying that you're in the clear, have been, and will be, into the foreseeable future. Thanks for your contributions miguet, you're an inspiration, and many here could learn from your example.

Mike is actually US military Mel.;)

Well I did a deal with Mike and the goods were easily worth the money I paid for them. If I recall correctly, they were originally bought by him at more than double the cost I paid. He is also a pretty good guy to exchange e-mails with, and always "straight and to the point". I know for a fact that he can't be a dealer looking to profit because of my deal with him. So, no Mike, I never got that impression and I doubt anyone that's had a deal with you and communicated with you thinks the same.
These sound like "soul-searching" questions... and you can see, you are well loved and well respected.

Quit second-guessing yourself... and sell me a knife...LOL

Is there something that is motivating you to ask this question? If there is a problem, we'd like to help you out.

Personally, I have never done business with you, but I do know your reputation here is beyond reproach, and your integrity speaks for itself.

Please let us know what's going on.

EDIT: Edited to add dialog that didn't appear the first time.