$50 to $100 Kershaw

Mar 3, 2012
I've been in the process of selling off my lower end overseas Kershaws (except the Cryo and OD-2... You can pry those from my cold dead fingers) with the hopes of buying better USA made Kershaws. As my collecting evolves, I find that my taste have become more expensive. Not ZT yet, I'm still working my way up.

Now, on to what I'm looking for. I'm looking for a USA made Kershaw between 2.75" and 3.5" in length, around 4oz or less. Before I get a whole saloon of "Blur" recommendations, I need you guys to help me think outside the box. I might end up getting the Blur, but want to know what you guys like in that range.

USA made that I already have (Listed in order of how often I carry them):

Secondary question... I haven't heard a whole bunch about the Breakout (7000 series) besides that it's discontinued. Any thoughts (besides legalities)?
I personally love my composite junkyard dog 2. The blade is 3.75 though. The rake, which I don't own, looks pretty similar and is 3.5. I'm sure both would be excellent additions to your growing collection.

whoops, I forgot about your weight requirement. Both of those are over 4 oz. Never mind.
Chive, Scallion, Needs Work, Blur (try it before you pass on it), Shallot, NRG2, Turbulance, and Blackout. These are some of my US made Kershaws. You can also find the ZT 350 for $100 used (watch the FS forum).
Second the rake. I don't know about weight but the boa is awesome, discontinued but easy to find just under $100. Shallot is another good one in there. Packrat is cool. Talon if you can find one. There are alot more!
I personally love my composite junkyard dog 2. The blade is 3.75 though. The rake, which I don't own, looks pretty similar and is 3.5. I'm sure both would be excellent additions to your growing collection.

whoops, I forgot about your weight requirement. Both of those are over 4 oz. Never mind.

"About" 4oz. I'm not a hard liner with that rule. The Groove weighs 5.2oz and I still carry it from time to time. Don't let my perimeters limit you ;) I'm open. I've given the Rake some serious thought BTW!

Click: ZT in the pocket. How does it feel/carry? Really heavy? Bulky? You caught my attention :)
Depending on if you carry it tip up or down. I carry it tip down because the shape of the end of the handle is curved perfectly with my pocket seam. It carries better for me that way. It is decently thin also, so it isn't bad to carry, about the same as a blur in my opinion but you don't have one of those either! you better just get both to be safe!
For your consideration:
from top to bottom, JYDII, Barrage/Salvo, Speedform II, and Rake.

The Salvo & Speedform II are flipperless unassisted, the JYD is a manual flipper, the Rake is an assisted flipper.
Packrat. Nuff said. :cool:

Stick: Is there a non-bead blasted version? DLC coated?

JYD: The clip. It's just crazy. It looks great on Tim's Scorpion JYD to me. I love the design of the rest of the knife. Especially the composite blade and shape. Handle looks very ergonomic. It's probably a knife I just need to hold and cheat on my other knives with ;)
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The packrat is awesome, It was my off work edc until my new 0550 came. I carry a 0350 every day at work, u get used to the weight after a few hours and stop noticing it. At least I did and I am not a big guy.
The Random Task II is a really, really sweet blade. 3.25 blade, 3.8 oz. :thumbup:
I would definitely recommend the Knockout and RAM. I've used and carried both of them for a while and are both fantastic knives.
Stick: Is there a non-bead blasted version? DLC coated?
I don't think so. Only ones I know of were the standard black, orange, and real tree g10 all with bead blasted blades. Of course there's also my pimped one with toxic green g10 and a dark stone washed blade... :D

The packrat is awesome, It was my off work edc until my new 0550 came.
I had a similar thing happen, but it was the orange Skyline that did it.
While a manual opener the Speedform II is a really nifty knife offered in excellent blade steel. I love the overall profile and construction it's kinda like a slightly more substantial version of the Leek.
A 0350 blem can be had for under $100
From kershawguy ! Ive carried one since
Dec of 2010 & after a while you dont even
Notice the weight !

Ugh, I've caught myself staring at a JYD2 composite blade and s30v blur. I don't know why the JYD is growing on me...

If the Packrat came stonewashed from factory, I'd own one already. How did you stonewash yours?