A giveaway - lets call it post #1000 coming up

Jan 14, 2008
Edit: this contest has ended.

I really enjoy the time I spend here, and I've made some great friends.
To celebrate my almost 1000 posts, I want to start a little giveaway.

Sine jackknife's stories are something I really enjoy, I want you to pick the one you think is my favorite.

I've included a list of links for everyone (I believe these are all of 'em)

The Lost Stockman.
The mad hermit of Lacompte Marsh.
The mad hermit of Lacompte Marsh, pt 2.
Reverend Harding's pearl penknife.
Tales of the peanut.
There was this penknife...
The boy scouts vs the high school kids.
Rainy day and whitling a ball in the cage.
Giving something back.
Old stag at a biker bar.
Feed and seed advertising knives.
Peanut tales.
Traditional first knife.
The hide hunters.
Age and EDC ramblings.
Uncle Paul and Knife Knut Genes.
Lizzy Rankins Hammer Brand.
Pocket Knife Rescue.
Friendly blackmail and free lunch.
The hunter is always a hunter.
Little boys, sticks, and knives.
Classic Combo.
A pocket knife and a lions claw.
A very old peanut.
The deer slayer.
A Valentine barlow.
Just a little Christy knife.
A friend from the other side of the earth.
Getting out of the weather.
The lost barlow.
A Heartfelt Thanks.
The peanut car rescue.
Old Scout Knife Memories.
Hard cider, teenagers, and hangovers.
Night Crossing.
The cowhand.
Wayne's companion.
Pocket knives for X-country Motorcycle trip.
Stray thoughts on old pen knives.
The knife confiscating witch.
Mr. Van's and Dad's shootout.
Pt boat and a Camillus stockman.
The skills of our fathers.
Swiming holes and slingshots.
The life of a sailors knife.
The broken chain.
To Build A Ladder.
Sargent Draper.
A mild answear turneth the wrath.
The Phantom Ferryman.
Pocket knives in the army.
Climbing the Peak.
Battle Of The Chicken Coop.
Camp crafts and hobo stew.
The Liars Circle.
The merit badge.
Slippys, cane poles, and a fish dinner.
The leather handle.
A barlow, and the cheapest man on the Choptank.
The ever shrinking pocket knife.
Mr. Van's pocket knives.
The Scout Knife.
On pocket knives and minimalisim.
Cleaning the old ones.
Trapper Bill and sodbusters.
The stockmen I've known.
"Always carry a pocket knife"
A scoutknife, and Mr. Van.
Slippies in emergencys.
The Barlow.
Pay it forward.
A TL-29, A strange history.
Uncle Pat's Imperial.
Gained another son, maybe.
A scout knife, and a hot dog lunch.
I've become my father.
Andy Warden.
Memories of working knives.
Of marshes, muskrats, and sinking punts.
Under The Magnolia Tree.

Edit: here is Jackknifes new story (posted after the contest ended):
The Hardware Store knife.

The drawing will be closed Friday 21th, 2200 my time(Germany GMT+1), if more than one person guessed right, I will assign numbers and use a random number generator to pick a winner.

And since this involves jackknife's stories I will give away a yeller CV peanut that has served me well for some month now. Everybody should have one, and if you have one already, give it to somebody you care about.


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Happy almost 1000th post. I've enjoyed them all. Great contest too. Very inventive, I just love it.

I am going to go with, Always carry a pocket knife.

Great signature line, btw!


Then this needs to be stickified. Are you listening, Moderators?

Ease up fella. Here a month and already pushing us around, huh? ;)

Make a copy for yourself we won't have to.

Nice list, Peter. :thumbup:
I already have a yeller feller so I won't enter. But I just wanted to say thanks for a really cool give away. One of the coolest yet.

I'd say The Liars Circle. But I don't know how you could have just one favorite story. I would have to pick 4 or 5 as favorites!

And I'm going to keep a copy of this list too. Each story is well worth reading more than once!

Thank You!
But I don't know how you could have just one favorite story. I would have to pick 4 or 5 as favorites!

I dont understand it either, the one in question just kinda jumped at me the first time I read it.
Although I have a printed copy of every story, the one I´m thinkin´ of is in my wallet.

There was this penknife

It is my favorite. Hope it is yours.
Thanks for the giveaway.
Pt boat and a Camillus stockman

I always like PT boat stories myself
Loaded with action!!!
I also have a yellow peanut so I'm not going to enter. But I do want to say congratulations to Peter for his upcoming 1000th post. Also thanks to him for passing along a peanut and for posting a master list of jacknife's stories.