Ads from DDR address?

Feedback: +37 / =0 / -0
Dec 9, 2005
Lately me and some other persons received "informational letters" sent from Darrell Ralph address. Was his server hacked? I dont remember me subscribing to hiis newsletters...
ive been getting them for at least a year.

ive never contacted ddr or signed up for anything in any way. :confused:

i dont even open them anymore.
They go to my spam box and I just empty it from time to time.

This thread on Bladeforums was brought to my attention.

First, let me apologize for the inconvenience that some of you have been experiencing by receiving this newsletter. I know this can be frustrating as it also happens to me- that is I also get newsletters from others in our industry and I also cannot understand how they got me on their list.

To those of you who have been getting these newsletters for a long time and have not wanted to get them all along, I only wish you would have contacted me earlier- I would have immediately investigated and found your email address and had the mailing list company that we use delete your email so that this would not continue to happen.

I can tell you that we do not purposely harvest email address from any outside sources- we use an opt in (opt out) automated system and when asked, we respect everybody’s wishes to be removed from the list.

But, in this day and age, mistakes can happen and bottom line is that if you got on this list and want out then that is what we will do.

So, please email me at and as long as the email address you are sending from is that one where you have been receiving the undesired emails, you will be removed from the list.

Again, I am sorry about this- we do have a huge number of enthusiasts who like to get our news from time to time, but we don’t want to bother anyone with these newsletters if they do not want to get them.

Yours truly,

Darrel Ralph
I get at least 20-30 pieces of 'spam' each day. Some go automatically into my Junk folder, some I have to manually delete.

Of these 30, usually five are legitimate contacts that I opted in or somehow got placed on their list. Stuff like Darrel's informative newsletter.

Out of thousands-upon-thousands of bogus spams, it brings me a smile to receive a professional email/newsletter that includes one of my favorite passions. (I get automobile spams too. Usually I read them all first before I delete. :) )

I love seeing what's up with a pioneer in our industry. I'm not sure how my email got there, but I am sure pleased it is on his list.

It's all good to me. :thumbup: Thanks, Darrel!

I just received 2 myself, but am happy to get them. I seen a folder of interest so it looks to be in my favor.