Almost had a heart attack yesterday....

May 17, 2012
I had a huge panic attack yesterday night when I thought I had lost my Gen 1 XM-18. I reached for it and it was not in my knife pocket! My reaction was immediate and visceral. My stomach clenched, my heart rate jumped up and I started searching my brain for the last time I had used it. Yesterday was a very busy and active day: I took my kids to the Oregon Museum of Science and Industry, sat upside down in a replica of the Apollo Space Capsule, sat reclined in the planetarium, then off to the mall for some kid's shoes, then home where I took a nap on the couch, then to the theater to watch Skyfall. I could have lost it anywhere but how the heck could it fall out of my pocket without me noticing? If it's not in my pocket then it's on my nightstand with my other knives so I checked there. Nope. I checked my office in case I left it by my computer. Nope. I had this sinking feeling that I'd have to start calling around to find it but that would be useless... I figured a non-knife person, finding a pocket knife would not understand the value of it and would just pocket it. My wife saw that I was frantically searching and asked what I was looking for. I told her that I thought I might have lost my pocket knife but she didn't recall seeing it anywhere.

Just then I realized that I had played tennis in the morning and had literally jumped out of bed because I was wakened by my friend knocking on the door! So I realized that I would not have taken it off the night stand and taken it to tennis with me (it gets in the way when I'm running in shorts) and that perhaps I had neglected to put it in my knife pocket when I changed my clothes since I was rushing around after tennis to take the kids to the museum. So I went back upstairs and did a more thorough search. My heart was in my throat as I searched around the night stand and under some socks and books that my wife had dumped on my nightstand. Nothing! Then I checked under the bed and there it was... it had fallen off the nightstand and was sitting on the carpet under my bed.... HUGE RELIEF....
Damn....I would've freaked out too. Glad to hear you found it! that would of been a painful loss. I've had a couple scares like that before- definitely know that "heart in your throat" feeling.
For a few minutes I was actually asking myself, "Why the he** are you carrying around such an expensive knife if you can't afford to lose it?" Of course, now that I've found it I'm not asking that question anymore....:rolleyes:
Damn, bet that was a real shock. I know that feeling to well, not only with knives
Good that you didn't lose it

Sometimes I put something away, and then later I don't remember where I put it, it drives me crazy lol
Another phenomenon is that when I don't need something, I see it five times a day- but when I actually need it, poof it disappears
Wow, reading you're post brought back the exact feelings I had when I lost my xm18 for a few hours.

I felt like I wanted to die!
You guys have been there!!! It's good to share... I am STILL feeling relieved.... Like today is a GREAT day.
Map.... Give up Tennis ( that's my first response) the clothes are not condusive to CC. Don't then add insult to injury and then pick up Golf or Soccer (JK).
Now, Hiking/Shooting/Zombie Hunter - Good to go.

But seriously, if life has taught me anything it's that repetitive habitual behavior is your friend unless your active duty Military and then it can get you killed but assuming that is not an impending risk... Get yourself a "Manbag/Murse/Purse/Metro-Sexual Bag whatever you wanna call it and carry your expensive stuff in there.
EDC : Knife, Flashlight, Cash, Spare Credit Card, 0Pic of Mom ...Whatever.
Can you lose that too? Yes. But once you are used to it not as likely. Grab handle/Shoulder strap and enough critical content (car keys, check book, etc) and you are not likely to lose it.
Just a suggestion and yes we have all had that sinking "Ahh $h!t" feeling and it has nothing to do with can I afford to lose this knife. It's, I didn't want to lose my knife and I better not catch the dirtbag that found it and didn't turn it to L&F - feeling.
Anywho, I wear jeans everyday (part of my grand business plan) and my stuff is always in it's place whether it be a pocket or my bag.
I have a bag for everything.
Man, I'm so glad you found it. My buddy knows I'm into knives and hid one of my VECP's from me one day as a joke... I was frantically looking around for 20 minutes before he came clean. Not a very funny joke for me!
I do have a pretty nice mountainsmith bag that has all my goodies. Flashlight, pepper spray, first aid, SAK, Juice C4, notebook, etc. I'm just not used to carrying it and often leave it at home. I gotta get better about that. But I still like having my knife in my pocket. Frankly I'm surprised that I even walked out of my house without it. I'm usually very careful about putting in my pocket every morning. This slight disruption in my routine really messed me up! I am truly a creature of habit so that's why I'm not trained yet to grab my bag when I head out the door!
As others have said " I know the feeling" and damn I hate it. It should be there and it is not......where the hell is it. Mind goes blank.....going over the last couple of hours......and then "aha" there is it is.....the last place you look, well of course it is the last place. Glad you found it and I am sure it gave your hart muscles a good work out.
You know I am right here close in Washington State, if you want I will hold it for you and anytime you call I will let you know where it is.....just a thought :D
I gave myself that same scare recently, until I remembered changing pants a few hours before, and putting my knife of the kitchen table. I went to look, and there sat Mr XM, patiently waiting for me. :phew!:
I know the feeling. But because I maintain a relatively calm disposition (until acted upon by an "outside force"), I do not overreact. My heart sinks and mood worsens only after retracing every possible step and prior activity.

Glad you recovered it. The alternative would have been a moment in time not easily forgotten.
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That, N2K, is tremendously understated but perfectly accurate. If I had lost it I'd be depressed for days if not weeks....
I can rememberer most of the knives I've lost, I'm sure a Gen 1 loss would not be forgotten.
Being a Gen1 would've made it so much worse. Not even considering price, they don't pop up for sale every day like the 3's and 4's do.
I literally pulled off to the side of the road amid rush hour traffic in DC on a business trip to make sure my small sebenza was in my jeans pocket from the night before and not on the hotel night stand.

thankfully, it was and crisis was averted. And thanks to crappy DC traffic, I really only ended up back about 3 car lengths after getting out of the car, checking my suitcase, and getting back in.
I almost had a heart attack for you after reading your story. Glad you didn't lose it!

Thanks Man! I'm so ultra-aware of it now. I'm developing a nervous tick I think, checking it's snug in my pocket often....