Almost had a heart attack yesterday....

High-end fashion items can have the "heart attack" effect mentioned in this threads headline.

But we're way off topic.

How to bring it back?....uhm...

Only thing worse than losing an item is having it stolen. :grumpy:
That reminds me of an interesting story. When I was doing research on malaria and filaria in Papua New Guinea back in 1995 I carried with me a SOG Navy Seal fixed blade. Big knife but it was great. Chopped open coconuts, hacked down trees for makeshift shelters, gutted fish and crocs, dug up yams, sharpened easily on a stone. Great knife for the bush. One day while I was in a village it was stolen from my bag. I carried a backpack and it was strapped to one of the shoulder straps. Now in PNG stuff gets stolen all the time. There's no respect for private property and basically the prevailing custom is if you steal something it's yours until someone steals it from you. Basically you gotta watch your stuff. Also, villages have a code of silence, no ones gonna rat on their own. So, I went to the village elder and I told him a story about my knife. That my knife was cursed by a "sanguma" which is like a warlock in their culture. A powerful witch who can curse people with slow death etc. I told him that I felt bad that it was stolen because the curse on the knife was that anyone who used it other than me would become possessed by the spirit of the knife and they would start killing their friends and family. I had made peace with the spirit so I was immune, but the spirit was alive in the knife. I advised a quick return. The next day one of the security guards in the compound I lived in came to me with the knife. He said that someone from a passing minibus gave it to him and asked him to return it to me. After that word spread around the entire region about my sanguma knife and when I would go to villages people would ask to see it. I'd let them look at it but no one would want to hold it. I never had anything stolen from me for the 2.5 years I was there after that incident.
Remember...... I'm new to the "Purse carrying World" :D What IF inside that purse was the Diamond Ring AND an XM18 :eek:
Could be listed on a Cert. as Cause of Death " Acute Purse Shock"

Now that's cause for a SERIOUS heart attack for sure! :eek:


You are mistaken.

I do not insult or provoke. If my opinion differs from yours--- I am not mistaken, mean or wrong.

Uh-huh, sure....... :rolleyes:

There are people who collect high end purses, like this $40,000 example:


That one's nice, but for $40k I'd have a Hermes. Or a couple more Rolexes. Or both! :D

........... I never had anything stolen from me for the 2.5 years I was there after that incident.

Awesome, and smart as hell! Now I need to find someone to curse my XM in I get to deploy again. :thumbup:

You outsmarted the ignorant...well plaid.

@Lone_...roll eyes all you like. I'm not wanting any more of this back n forth. I only claimed the bags were "too busy" and later went on to explain it's the "show-off" style logos that are unappealing to me. That is obviously opinion.

Say whatever you like from this point on, think about me whatever you like. I'm now over it. Hope you are as well.
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If you have to do stupid crap with my username to make your 'point', then you don't have much of one.
Hoping for Love but perhaps discussion to achieve at least understanding better accomplished in private (PM, Email, Smoke Signals) The years have taught me much, I always think Greater Understanding is worth the effort.
Rubi...I moved on from that stuff. Is what it is. No need for e-mails and such on the topic as I will not reply. It's over.
Fair enough - I just like us ALL to be Happy Happy Campers..... A Family of sorts.....
I can remember when you were all in diapers and bath time...... I digress.
Does any one wanna see a Pic of Rob in a diaper?
Crap! Do you have tape Rich? I just tried to Copy/Paste the Pic of Rob.... and my Computer screen cracked.....!
On the subject of photos, is there one of Rick, Rob, & the crew around here someplace. I'd love to see a face to go with the names.
There are several photos online.

You can always go to their official Website and click on a gallery like the campfire one. Rick's behind the grinder. Rob's the one with the awesome haircut.