am i the only one that goes through knives like s**t through a goose?

Dec 27, 1999
owen's topic got me to thinking, are others as fickle as me? i get bored with a knife and trade it off all the time. always want something new! perhaps i am trying to compensate for something i missed as a child.


a cat almost always blinks when hit in the head with a ball-peen hammer.
The only thing better than a good knife is a good woman:D
A few of my Knives
I don't find myself constantly trading my knives. I find myself trading other items for new knives. Every time a new tanto style knife comes out I seem to want it. In the past month I have bought two SOG X-42 Recondos, a SOG X-ray Vision folder, and my first Microtech Mini SOCOM tanto folder.
Last month I traded a SIG P228 and an expensive TAG watch for two Rob Criswell wakizashis, A Criswell Katana, Cold Steel Imperial Damascus Tanto, and Cold Steel Magnum Tanto II.
I buy knives I love and so far the love hasn't worn off any of them. I've been given many knives, and I couldn't imagine selling or trading one of them, they were gifts. I have given away far more many knives than I own. In fact I've never traded a knife in my life. How exactly do you get tired of a knife? Is there a number of knives that you have to own before they just become unimportant or disposable?
In a way I feel like I'm missing out in part of the fun of trading, but I can't figure out how you guys get started?

"Will work 4 Knives!"
My PhotoPoint Site
i just started collecting and getting interested in june of this year.but im buying the knives at a pretty good already planning on a ive got my first custom on order,and i can see a dozier pretty soon too.i just got a kershaw mini task yesterday....
mmm knives!
I'm so fickle, I've gone so far as to trade away a knife before I even had it in hand!
Now I know I'm not the only one that's done that before....

But sure, I was trading away knives left & right for awhile there. You get a new knife, it's just not quite the holy grail you thought it was going to be, but that beauty on the for sale forums just has to be "the one"

This topic got me wondering how many knives have passed thru my hands since I started trading on the forums. I just counted the conformation receipts in a bag I keep them in and was shocked. There are 68 wonder Phil teases me about being Monte Hall.
I've never traded a knife. I've got knives that I've stopped carrying - Usually because I bought them and ended up not liking them once I put them to use, one or two because the have eventually worn out or had failures (2 rubber handle Kersaws that I LOVE when new, but the rubber swells and fails after a few years)
S**t thru a goose???


--The Raptor--

PS- No trading here.
I accumulate knives like s**t from a goose on a sidewalk.
Yes,I have that problem,and it pisses my wife off severely.I drag her out on a 3 hour drive to get to a knife shop for a knife I just can't live without and in a matter of weeks later I've sold it or traded it off.Sometimes I can really kick myself as I have regretted selling or trading some of my knives.I tend to loose much of the value when I sell or trade to make a quick turnover to generate funds for another purchase.I'm trying to stop from doing this from now on,within reason.If I had half of the knives I've sold or traded in the last 2 years I would have a collection most poeple would drool over.I'll list some of my knives I know longer have from my memory.Randall model 14,two model 15's,model 16,four Kurt Meerdink various sized Phase three fighters,two E.K. bowies,Dozier neck knife,Steve Corkum Kazuka,Bud Nealy Pesh K-besh (spelling?),Three Chris Reeves Sebenzas,Elishewitz folder with mokume bolsters,Speed-tech synergy,four Benchmade 710 axis locks,BM 720,three BM 42 and a BM42A bali-songs,Erickson custom balisong with desert iron wood inserts(the custom bali hurt the most),about five BM auto's,Micro-tech socom auto,brend UDT,halo 3,a few paragon auto's,MOd Trident,MOD hornet auto's,about twenty italian auto's,whitwolf pro,numerous other folders and fixed blades to painful to list,even a nice custom sword from Jim Hrisoulas
: oh well!
interesting difference of opinions here.thanks for all the replies so far,keep 'em comin'.


a cat almost always blinks when hit in the head with a ball-peen hammer.
The only thing better than a good knife is a good woman:D
A few of my Knives
Every time one of those "perfect" knives comes out, I buy one. A week later it goes in the drawer with the other "perfect" knives. Some are still there, some have been sold or traded. Then I got a Spyderco Native. Now I'm wondering if any can measure up to it. Maybe a Calypso Jr. lightweight.....

I am sure that many others do the same thing that you do, but I am not one of them. I still own every knife that I have bought in the last 20 years. That is not to say that I use them all equally, but I do still have, and use them.
I use most of my knives too. I would be very reluctant to get rid of any of them.

(standing solemnly, head bowed
) Hi, I'm Mike and I have a knife problem...

Russ, we're in the same boat. I've been through about 50 or 60 so far this year I guess. I'm expecting a couple new deliveries on Monday too. The funny thing is; in counting what I have remaining, I find significantly less than 20 and out of that number, the same 2 or 3 usually end up as my daily carry. But the latest and greatest still becon ...
I'm still waiting anxiously for the introduction of a folding, pocket clip version of Darth Vader's light saber.

[This message has been edited by sgtmike88 (edited 12-17-2000).]
Maybe it just comes down to a matter of numbers. Some of you guys have gone through more than 50 knives this year, I don't own anywhere close to that number.
Maybe it has to do with chasing the latest and the greatest. I'm more into traditional knives and now handmades and customs, and not really caught up in this search for the perfect "next" knife. I think every knife serves it's purpose and there isn't a perfect knife.
Maybe it has to do with just wanting to trade up for a better knife. Now, I may buy a Denning drop point hunter because I can't afford a Loveless or S. Johnson or a Velarde, but I would much rather save and buy a more expensive knife when I can than to give up my Denning.
I think the answer may be that I either need to buy a lot more knives, or start making some really bad decisions on the knives I buy.
sgtmike88, i went ahead and got the full length version light saber
i am too impatient to wait for the folder.thanks for the replies guys. well, i am off to go pick up my mayo talonite


a cat almost always blinks when hit in the head with a ball-peen hammer.
The only thing better than a good knife is a good woman:D
A few of my Knives
I am an Accumulator. Not a trader. I could not bear the pain of selling a knife. It truly amazes me the way some of you buy, sell, and trade knives. It's almost like trading cards or something.

I have Given them away as gifts, but that does not hurt


Some of my knives
Nice collection (I mean accumulation
(I sure wouldn't get rid of any of those.)

I too am amazed at the trading/selling that some of the guys do. I just couldn't do it. I love all of mine way toooooo much.

So, off I am to go look for the next aquisition!!!

--The Raptor--

[This message has been edited by Raptor (edited 12-17-2000).]