An old HOG....needs love?


Gold Member
Jan 4, 2011
Happy Friday! Greetings to the fellow pork purveyors, perusers and pack rats.

I am in need to some Busse biased opinions. In my collection is a singular blade that is different than all of the other blades. This blade has its origins starting back 15 years ago, Britney Spears shaved her head (not with a Busse.....I assume), the original iPhone had just made waves in the cell phone market and so many fewer bottles of spirits had been slain by Jerry Busse Jerry Busse and crew.

The 2007 HOG ASH Special was released as a special induction for those piglets that wanted in on a sweet bundle offer.

The one in my possession has been through at least four sets of hands if you include the Hog Fathers himself by my count, possibly more. There was a 7-10 year gap in which its resting place remains shrouded in mystery to me. In that time the blade was sold, mostly stripped, and maybe used?

The blade still retains the "Slab O 55" HOG inductee name, and Busse logo, but both quite faint. It also has a battle scar on its inductee side, not sure what it had a run in with, the cutting edge looks great so maybe this was a gremlin under the coating but its not too deep but it can be felt with a finger. I am trying to decide what I should do to bring this Fat HOG a more appropriate and deserving finish. I cannot recoat or laser finish as I dont have the equipment for that. I can leave it as is, partially stripped and sad or I can tape it off and run it though my bead blaster. I have never bead blasted INFI before but I feel like the finish would be comparable to that of the BIG DC finish. I am worried what little details left in the blade will be lost and only the scar will remain. I have a palm sander, I could sand down the one side to remove the scar, but then the logo and name for sure will be gone. I am leaning away from removing the scales, but thats an option...I just dont want to damage my scales, and then getting it custom cerakoted locally. What say you? Opinions, thoughts, suggestions, I am open to seeing what other Busse users think.

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Why didnt I see that coming ScoMa ScoMa I really appriciate the offer. I could do that but to be fair, I should warn you, I charge a $2500 handling fee to box it up get it shipped, then I would have to use any leftovers funds to build a endless whiskey fountain and then try to get Jerry to fly over with a proper replacement. ;)
Looks fake to me. I have the means to safely and properly dispose of knockoffs, and I offer my services to you free of charge.
He doesn't know how to dispose of fake infi. It is a very dangerous disposal. I charge by the beer hourly. Minimum a 12 pack of alaskan white ale. If it turns out to be real infi after testing I will reimburse you the price of beer and keep the knife. But extensive testing could take a long time.
The most stressful part of this next process was removing the handle tubes. I secured the blade in a vise between wood planks to ensure the blade would not move. I drilled them out on one side with a smaller bit then used a medium sized stepped drill but to open the tube just far enough to get the flare to fall off. Then GENTLY tapping the tube rivet out with a punch, the smaller drill but leaves a stepped out cut inside the tube which give you a nice shoulder to tap on, I highly suggest using electrical tape or something to keep the scales held against the blade handle you DO NOT want the tube rivets to push the handle material away from the handle and then tweak them and break them off. Once the tube slides out about 1/8 of an inch I grabbed the tube fastener with pliers and rotated it forward and backwards while pulling, all while holding both sides of the handle scales still.

OK, here we go. Ask you can see here, there was a full coating of muddy brown still under the scales. I blasted it off to get a nice even finish. There was a blade and scale markings - M19 I masked those off on the blade to retain them and ensure the blaster didn't remove those original markings. the vertical line is still there but its flatter and more even. Which does not bother me, I did not care for the partial strip job. I really wanted it to be all or nothing.

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Getting closer, replacement handle hardware has been ordered. Spent a couple hours slowly buffing small sections at a time to make sure the blade stays cold. Not too hard when my shop is about 10 degrees F. Needs some more cleanup, but had to come inside to thaw myself out.


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wow looks nice