Another bad Bear attack !

Apr 13, 2007
Maybe some of ya will remember a post I did a short time ago about a weekend I had away at a lake, this was one of the pics:


Anyway just came across this article of a Bear attack at that same lake !:eek:

Keep ya wits about you when out and about eh !
Dumb question; but, is there such a thing as a GOOD bear attack? :D
Two weeks ago , My wife ,son and I were at our campsite when a Black bear strolled by about 100 ft. away. I saw him first , while my family had their back turned. I told them to stop what they were doing, and get in the truck,because if he decided to come over ,it wouldn't take him long. We kept cool about it, and he kept on walking. I regret not getting pics though, as my camera was packed away at the time. We stayed for a few more days, but never saw him again. We weren't overly worried about it, but do keep our food locked in the truck , with the guns on me.
No info on what led up to the attack. Unfortunate for both the victims and the bear.
When a black bear attacks a sleeping person in their tent, they are intent on eating human. This is one of those things that does bother me a bit about my now favorite sleeping method - hammock camping. Hell, when in your hammock you are literally a hanging taco and there is just no way you can get out very well sort of cutting your way through the bottom which will land you right on top of the predator trying to munch on you.

When I went canoe camping last week there was bear scat all over the grounds of my campsite. I made sure that my hammock was well removed from my cooking/fire area and even chose to change into my sleeping clothes and hang up my grunge clothes with my pack & food prior to approaching the hammock for the night.

The one consolation, if I'm going to get eaten while sleeping in my hammock, I'll be so blissfully asleep due to the comfort factor that I probably won't feel a thing :D
Two weeks ago , My wife ,son and I were at our campsite when a Black bear strolled by about 100 ft. away. I saw him first , while my family had their back turned. I told them to stop what they were doing, and get in the truck,because if he decided to come over ,it wouldn't take him long. We kept cool about it, and he kept on walking. I regret not getting pics though, as my camera was packed away at the time. We stayed for a few more days, but never saw him again. We weren't overly worried about it, but do keep our food locked in the truck , with the guns on me.

That might be just asking for the bear to break your windows or even rip the door out.

How about a relatively cheap bear-resistant food container?
Not too long ago I was car camping with family and friends. We had a nice campground, big and open that backed right up to the forest. There was a bit of a path that led out, and a friend and I walked it one day. It was sunny out, so we had sunglasses on. Not more than 100ft from the campsite (as in the camp was still quite visable) we saw a massive black bear in a shady section of the path (he looked to be about 3.5-4ft at the shoulder, but this was probably a little visual misinterpretation.) We were just talking and walking, and I looked up and it was one of those "Oh s#!t" moments - he was maybe 40ft away at most. You don't realize how easily a black bear blends in in the shade until you are wearing sunglasses at the same time. Luckily for us, he was strolling along perpendicular to the path and carried on his merry way after glancing at us.

Needless to say, it got our hearts racing. Had that bear been any bit aggressive or moody, who knows what would have happened (I have some sneaking suspicions that it would have ended badly on our part). Beautiful creatures, but not something I like seeing in that manner.

Going to sleep that night was a wee bit exciting, that's for sure.
When a black bear attacks a sleeping person in their tent, they are intent on eating human. This is one of those things that does bother me a bit about my now favorite sleeping method - hammock camping. Hell, when in your hammock you are literally a hanging taco and there is just no way you can get out very well sort of cutting your way through the bottom which will land you right on top of the predator trying to munch on you.

When I went canoe camping last week there was bear scat all over the grounds of my campsite. I made sure that my hammock was well removed from my cooking/fire area and even chose to change into my sleeping clothes and hang up my grunge clothes with my pack & food prior to approaching the hammock for the night.

The one consolation, if I'm going to get eaten while sleeping in my hammock, I'll be so blissfully asleep due to the comfort factor that I probably won't feel a thing :D

+++ on that. although, I sleep in my skeeter beeter with my .45acp, a knife, and flashlight, still it's some of the best sleep I've gotten, ah well guess I gotta go somehow!!
Oh My Gosh!!!

Why has no one warned me about these beasts?

I'm warning you, if you value your life, never, EVER, take a vacation up here.

Now if you'll excuse me, I'm off on another backpacking trip.....
Dumb question; but, is there such a thing as a GOOD bear attack? :D

I saw in the news the other day a billionaire in Florida finished a supposed 5 yr sentence for sex with under age girls...his last year was in his house...for part of his bid he could go to work during the day...dude had several young teen girls from Europe flown in for his B-day, other girls flown in, girls brought to his place etc...shoulda gone to jail forever for sex trafficking...

If a bear ate his ass it would be a good bear attack! :D;):eek::thumbup:
A black bear is a SCARY thing. Being in the Ouachita's I have heard first hand bear stories.

I knew of a young man who ran into a black bear in the woods and took off running to get away from the bear, the bear did not chase him.

My wife and I, in approaching a small town; just outside of this town saw a black bear, and believe it or not, the bear actually looked both ways before he crossed the highway into the woods on the other side. The bear was about 15 yards away from a welding shop on the outskirts of town.

I should have taken a picture with our phone camera but we were so surprised to see a bear that close to town and apparently not scared of traffic. This was during late summer and he seemed kinda skinny as his skin was hanging. He appeared to be young, perhaps 2 or 3 years old.
Sounds like one of these guys was more bear like than the poor bear was, talk about pick on the wrong person !!!

from the article linked above:

In fact, B.C. Bear Smart Society executive director Crystal McMillan said yesterday’s attack and a 2008 attack in Port Renfrew are the only two of such severity ever recorded on Vancouver Island. In the Port Renfrew incident, a black bear went after a fisherman, attacking the man on his boat.
:eek: On his boat!?!?
:eek: On his boat!?!?

I have heard of that before. A few years back I was canoeing the north arm of Murtle Lake in BC, and bumped into a park ranger who told me to watch out for an adolescent grizzly that had, a few days previously, chased a canoe that was paddling near the shore. The bear had ran into the water and approached the canoeists aggressively. A shot of bear spray turned it around.

I slept with one eye open that night. ;)


- Mike
While it is sad to hear about bear attacks where someone gets hurt it is not suprising. As people push out further into the bears habitat there will be encounters. --- I treated a cotton gin recently. The man had a bear mounted that he had taken while in Canada. He told me a story of coming home and weighing a bear on his scales at the gin that weighed almost 200 pounds more than his. This bear was taken about 5 miles outside of town. SSSOOOOOO They are there. Just be prepared. My .02....
When a black bear attacks a sleeping person in their tent, they are intent on eating human. This is one of those things that does bother me a bit about my now favorite sleeping method - hammock camping. Hell, when in your hammock you are literally a hanging taco and there is just no way you can get out very well sort of cutting your way through the bottom which will land you right on top of the predator trying to munch on you.

LOL! That's why I prefer a tent.
While it is sad to hear about bear attacks where someone gets hurt it is not suprising. As people push out further into the bears habitat there will be encounters. --- I treated a cotton gin recently. The man had a bear mounted that he had taken while in Canada. He told me a story of coming home and weighing a bear on his scales at the gin that weighed almost 200 pounds more than his. This bear was taken about 5 miles outside of town. SSSOOOOOO They are there. Just be prepared. My .02....

In BC and many other areas the black bear population is expanding.
Many times they are moving into settled areas where they hadn't been seen in decades.

Of course human/animal conflict is going to happen, just like it has happened since we came out of the trees.
Nothing new here