another question for the gun guys

Mar 22, 2006
Hi all I posted a similar question on the firearms forum but didn't get any real answers. I currently carry a small 20 gauge dbl barrel coach gun when camping, it's an awesome little gun and has put its share of meat in the pot already. I'm pretty happy with it, but it's way loud... There is a company called Mcace that makes 18 inch rifled barrel inserts that fit inside a shot gun barrel that would allow it to shoot .22lr rounds accurately. it comes with a firing pin adapter that allows the shot gun to fire rimfire ammo. this is appealing to me as it would add a little extra small game range to the firearm as well as plinkability, and if I use subsonics it would really cut down on the noise. However I don't know too many people that have tried this product was wondering if anybody had any experiences with anyhting like this. Thanks
Havn't heard of one of thouse, But If your goging to do it, Definetly take it to a gun smith, I wouldnt try it on your own, unless your a gun smith ;)
My guess is that you could pick up a marlin 22lr or 22wmr for less than these inserts. I will personally vouch for their (marlin 22) accuracy. My guess is that even really good inserts (well made and professionally fitted) would be less accurate. I've looked at guage reducers for my ruger 12 and they run in excess of $200, and you can get a 22lr at walmart for less than that.
yeah, though about springin for a .22 but there something about having the capacity for both a rimfire and a shotgun in one gun thats nice, and handy for a camp/ survival gun I'd really like and old springfield m6 but they don't make em anymore and the savage combo guns are nice but heavy at 8lbs and expensive in the 6-7hundred dollar range
What type of Savage combo weights that much? My .22 Mag/20 gauge is not nearly that heavy-and it is a great combo gun for what you are talking about.
yeah, though about springin for a .22 but there something about having the capacity for both a rimfire and a shotgun in one gun thats nice, and handy for a camp/ survival gun I'd really like and old springfield m6 but they don't make em anymore and the savage combo guns are nice but heavy at 8lbs and expensive in the 6-7hundred dollar range

There is a Remington imported Baikal combo gun that is a little more affordable than the Savages.

On the firing pin issue, are you sure that the bore isn't just off-center a little bit causing the firing pin to strike the rimfire primer. That's what several comapnies do with other adapters (ie .22LR in a .45LC as in those kits Numerich was selling).
I believe both new england and savage make exchange barrel single shots in 20 guage, 22 lr and some even have a 224 for added range.

They do still make the A7 scout with the .410 under 22lr

And the marlin papoose is a really neat take down 22 very packable and very acurate

As for the inserts i have only used the short 12guage-20guage converts and these worked okay. I hacve never used the full tube conversions.
thanks for the info so far guys...according to the savage websight the model 24f combo gun in .22lr over 20 gauge weighs 8lbs and retails for $660 was thinking about one of the exchanging barrel guns like a rossi .22/20 gauge or possibly a just a small semi auto like a papoose I don't know.
I have shot with gauge reducers and they work great, used to use savage 4tenners. now i have a set of 28 into 12 gauge tubes that are a lot of fun to play with. the current tubes are Brileys, not cheap but the pattern very well. Most of these types of things do work surprisingly well, and are engineered to be drop in, not gunsmith fitted. The problem with the .22 in the shotgun is what are you going to do for sights?
No I can see the 28 into 12 not needing to be fitted, but fitting a rimfire into a shotgun, sorry man I just have never heard of it.
I've seen those inserts before in various calibers, and they seem interesting. They might be good for a break open action shotgun, putting game out if it's misery, possibly plinking. Easier than lugging a second gun.

Assuming they spit bullets consistently, I think the only concern may be rigging up some sights.
How would you aim your double barrel when shooting a single bullet at a rabbit 25 yds away?

I'd suggest either the Savage 24C, a .22 LR over a 20 gauge barrel, or a .22handgun you can hit with and would carry.

Another consideration: the mcace 18" insert is over $100 delivered. Kinda pricey if I may say so. That'll buy a really nice used .22 long gun. It'll also almost buy a decent, but low end, Heritage .22 SA revolver, which I can say is a fun and reliable plinker.

The only other shotgun inserts I know of are these from e-gunparts. However, they seem to be dodgy all aluminum (maybe even rifling!) gadgets.
man, all thouse things seem unreliable to me, I would just get a plane old .22 LR for the $100
Well RescueRiley, looks like nobody out here has used the 22lr inserts in a shotgun,
and seems most of those who haven't are against the idea.:confused:
You don't have to use it to know it is not a very good idea, there are no sights on a SxS shotgun except a bead on the front. Which means there is no way to accurately shoot a single projectile accurate enough to bag small game at range.

RR, For a quite small game getter I like Benjamin/Sheridan air rifles, you can for sure get one for your 100 dollars. They are as quite as possible, very cheap to shoot, and powerful and accurate enough for close range small game. Chris
Why not get a used bolt action 22 LR that will allow you to use LR, Long, and Short rounds?

You can get a used one for $125 out the door I am guessing.

Then get a set of the electronic ear muffs that cancel out noise, but allow you to hear in the woods when using the 20 gauge.

Carry both with you.

Also, find some slugs that work well in the 20 gauge, and you also have a good deer rifle for short ranges.

You have any and all spectrums covered at that point.
Thanks guys I wasn't expecting stellar results but thought I'd give it a try. looks like I'll pick up small single shot .22 or maybe a marlin papoose, although the airgun idea is not bad either ( what kind of fps should I be looking for? and what call.177 or .22)
We had a good thread here while back about air rifles, if you ask 3 people you will probably get 3 different ideas.

I like Benjamin/Sheridan pumpers they are not as powerful as PCPs or even the better spring guns but they are powerful enough to kill Jack Rabbit and smaller game out to as far as I want to shoot with iron sights.

Unlike springers they are very tough and require almost no maintenance they are not sensitive to the way you hold them, and there is no scope wrecking recoil.

The main advantage over PCPs is you don't need external pumps or scuba tanks.

The Benjis and Dans however are harder to scope and not as powerful, although power is a relative thing IMO any gun that shoots 650 or better in a 22 will reliably kill small game.