Answered prayers and many thanks.

If it was a miracle (and it sounds close enough for government work) then it couldn't happen to a more deserving guy.

I guess it's somebody's way of saying you still have work to do here, Bill - as witness the wonderful response to the Bura appeal.

C'mon, guys, keep those prayers going. Let's make it two for two.
Originally posted by Eikerværing
First: congratulations with happy news.

Second: And the doctors let you go without doing any more study on your ability to grow new blood vessels??? What if your genes hold the secret to a new medicine that will allow people to grow new blood vessels instead of dying of a heart attack???

Having just had an angiogram myself this last December 17th and just completeing a successful round of 12 weeks of Cardiac Rehab I can speak with a little bit of knowledge on this subject.:)

The growth of new veins is the body's way of protecting itself and something everyone can do and does when they experience blockages anywhere in the body.
It's actually a common occurrence among cardiac patients. Thankfully the blackages I have/had were too small to use a ballon or stent in and not severe enough to warrant a bypass surgery of which I am extremely happy about.
My Cardiac Dr. told me that with proper diet and some medicine and exercise that I would be finer than frog hair before too long by growing new veins and arteries to bypass the clogged ones.

Back when I was a kid and even a young man the outlook for Congestive Heart Failure was pretty grim and left a person only a shadow of their former selves and was considered something that couldn't be healed.
Nowadays Congestive Heart Failure, although still a big deal, isn't as big a deal as it was back then and IF it is caught soon enough it can be healed completely!!!!
I'm enjoying the change in diet as I get more to eat than I did before and have discovered a plethora of new flavors. The only thing that is really hard for me is the restriction of fluids.

Bill wasn't as lucky as I was and is keeping himself at risk by smoking and drinking, his choice and nothing I can say anything about anyway.
The prayers could have made things grow faster than normal however.:D
I'm glad you're still among the breathing Bill.;)
Originally posted by Yvsa

The growth of new veins is the body's way of protecting itself and something everyone can do and does when they experience blockages anywhere in the body.
It's actually a common occurrence among cardiac patients.

This is incredible. Such a common knowledge and I have never ever read about it. I read a popular science magazine that usually covers anything from computer technology to psychology and life style diseases. Well now I know, but I am dissapointed with my magazine.

Changing your diet (and avoiding beer?) must be quite a transition from being happily ignorant into knowing more about healthy foods than women do. Good thing you are enjoying it.

Thanks for informations.
Bill, you are truly blessed. And so are we, to have you as a brother and a friend.
Aw Right!

Glad you've been given more time to share with your family around the world.

"in this place where prayers go time doesn't matter."

I think that's my new sig line.
Prayer works...I do believe. And WORKS work. Good works, good living. Perhaps all that fine Heineken even had something to do with it, friend Bill! In any case, I join the many in rejoicing at your 'reprieve', and add my congratulations on those wonderful arteries!!!! Slainte!!!!
I echo everyone's comments that it is great news. You didn't ask for advice but here's my $.02, you might want to consider cutting the cigs to half and maybe cut back to half a case of Heinies a day. ;)

Sooner or later they'll gitcha. :D

Take it from someone who knows. I never smoked, but I've drank an ocean of beer over the years! Today I'm down to just a few on weekends and I feel a lot better. I haven't fallen off my Harley in a while either! :D

Semp --
Many thanks again, all.

I know I shouldn't be smoking and drinking and I appreciate the concern but my belief is that my death day was written with my first breath and there is not a thing I can do to change it. Bill Marsh will probably get a kick out of this quote. "The very hairs on your head are numbered."

The smoking and drinking affect the quality of my life for the worse but neither will kill me. I'll go when it is my time to go, not before and not after.

Guys who have put their life on the line and have seen some fall while they still stand know what I'm talking about.