Any "Dagger" owners/users?

There's nothing 'fragile' about the Sting! I had the original and now the 'new' versions I actually prefer my new carbon steel one and believe me it can take the punishnment.
Hey MSGT...

Oh ya,, theres no doubt it's a well made knife....

Heres a picture of my originalcirca 1977 and the new CRKT Sting circa 2006



Great knives,, just not something I would use a a tent stake...
Thats what tent stakes are made for..


I own 2 S&W double edge daggers, 3 Cold Steel peace keepers, 3 Cold Steel safe makers, and 5 Boker Applegate Fairbairn daggers. I love them all but dont carry them for survival or outdoor use. They have a use in hunting but mainly the are designed for combat or sentry silenceing.
ash, your a fire fighter rite??, what are yu doin takin out sentrys? ;)

haha, just kiddin around.
I'm not putting a barb in my BeckerNecker, no way!

Let's face it, for SHTF or survival, a sharpened stick can be employed for gigging. If you are good enough carver, you can even put some barbs on the end.

If I was trying to spear a fish for a survival food, I'd probably take 2 sticks, that had a fork in them. sharpen the forks, and then lash the 2 of them together, thereby giving me 4 sharp points, in close proximity to each other.

I don't see the need for affix a blade for that type of activity.

The only real reason I can see is for personal protection, or maybe as was touched on, hunting a feral pig for survival meat. Soooooeeeee!
I sometimes like to carry a lightweight/easy access knife like a dagger on an ankle rig or pack strap in addition to a bush knife on my belt when I'm out on my girlfriend's family land. It may sound dumb but the cow carcasses and calves from their dairy farm attract alot of wolves and cayotes. I don't carry a 357 like her old man so I figure it couldn't hurt to have an etra pointy thing at hand. Plus its just and excuse to carry/buy more knives and it's fun. Not too mention to huck at an ominous tree or hay bail. She was once chased by one while riding the 4 wheeler. Personally I wouldn't put much stock in one as a primary survival tool though.

Gibsonfan;"Spear-fishing is something I can't practice legally, though, I'm the wrong color for that". What the hell does this mean? You may want to edit your post, as it is going to be read by people (of all colors) all over the world. This thread was and is about Daggers/knives, nothing else. Bladeforums is for knife lovers, of ALL colors.

Sorry about the "racial" confusion, guys. In Wisconsin, there are various, strict, and (to some) controversial laws regarding Native/tribal fishing rights. Based on treaties that go back past the last century, some tribes are allowed to spearfish in some lakes/rivers. I'm about as white as white gets, so those treaties do not apply to me. That's ALL I meant. I was raised to judge a person by the content of their character and the fruits of their labor. If it makes any difference to you, I've went to school with, partied with, worked with men and women, and dated women of Native descent.

Fair enough of you to call me on that, nothing wrong with asking a guy to clarify what he said.

As to the legal issue, I'd love to try my hand at spearing, and netting, and snaring small game for that matter, but it's not worth a hefty fine if I get caught. Also, I'm trying to teach our kids to respect the law...

OK, runningboar and SkunkWex, ya talked me right out of carvin' up my Necker. :) That's really more a design feature for a piece of scrap steel. Once again I've drifted way off topic, so I'll try to come back to it...

Heres a picture of my originalcirca 1977 and the new CRKT Sting circa 2006

Great knives,, just not something I would use a a tent stake...
Thats what tent stakes are made for..
Didn't they used to/maybe they still do, make that same design out of fibreglass or hi-impact plastic or something? Kind like the Cold Steel training knives... if it was cheap enough, I might be talked into carrying something like that for rough use like tent staking and stabbing frogs... I think that's legal :)

Daggers for personal defense? I feel just as strongly about that as I do about wood craft stuff. If it comes to a fight against man or beast, I'll keep my Trailmaster, thanks. I never understood why folks who agree a dagger is a weak/poor-cutting design for the woods, seem to think it's great for fighting? (Sorry, not trying to turn this into something that belongs next door.)
Gibsonfan, I understood exactly what you meant. In many areas of North America, "Aboriginals", if that is the term preferred today, have special dispensations to fish and harvest wild game outside of normal seasons, limits, and methods set for the rest of society.

However, under the heading of "where there is a will, there is a way", consider getting in touch with a tribal council and expressing a desire to observe and learn from traditional hunters and fishermen. Approached with the right frame of mind, it is quite possible to get hooked up with a mentor willing to exchange some knowledge and experience for a bit of help with the grunt work involved.

Where I would caution folks is that, at least here in Tennessee, posession of a device in the field or stream is prima facia evidence of intent to use it. If you carry a prepared snare in your kit, it is sufficient evidence that you intend to use it, whether it is trapping season or not, whether the device meets the specifications for that type device or not, and particularly, whether or not you not only have, but posess at that time the proper license required for the use of that device. Yeah, sux I know, but facts are facts.

We are always talking about spearing and such so I went into the garage and made this up.


I know it is crude and needs some file and finishing work but for a couple of dollars and 15 minutes work I think it will get the job done. Chris
Chris, that is downright country... I think you know I mean that in a good way. Did that start out as a worn-out broadhead? Regardless, that would definitely work on fishies and froggies. Light, small and no lashing required... you win :)
one method i have read of to spear fish is to:

find a bunch of very thing long saplings, maybe a couple of feet. point them all out so they are nice and sharp.

tie the saplings together, binding one to another, adding one to the bundle at a time, so that all of them are tied together adn there are no sticks just sitting in the center waiting to be pushed out. it helps to have the points pointing in all different directions...

tie the bundle to a pole nice and securely, and now you have several points all together, and it should grab and hold a fish or frog nicely.
I gig frogs every spring and one thing that must be realized is that frogs have a very primitive nervous system and are very hard to kill. When I am wading and gigging I tie a sack to my belt to put the frogs in, when I gig one with a 5 prong razor sharp gig with rather large prongs. I pull it off the gig hold it by the legs and beat it several times across what ever is handy then put it in the bag. It is not unusual at all for frogs to be jumping everywhere when I empty the sack to clean them, after running them through with a barbed spear, forcibly pulling them off said spear, and then beating their head on my spear handle. My point is this, as far as spearing frogs you had better have some fairly substantial barbs, pin them to the bottom if the water is shallow enough, or club them hard enough so that you can grab them with your hand. If you gig them with anything without the barbs I assure you they will kick off the gig. It is illegal where I live to spear fish but from what I have heard the same can be said for them. If you are spearing in a rocky stream or lake and don't have any barbs, such as your knife tied to a stick, and you have to pin them to the bottom your knife is not going to last long.

When I am spearing from a boat the frogs go into the cooler that is holding the ice cold beverages, this is the best because the cold shocks them and makes them easier to handle when cleaning. Chris
hahaha, good one ash. And I know what you mean, I've set up variuos traps in the from yard. :D
I agree with many here. A dagger is not a wilderness survival tool. I wouldn't even think of throwing my knives at anything or hammering them into the ground. As for spears. Have a look at this native australian spear that I picked up about 15 years ago. Cut a thin sapling, carve it, harden the point in a fire, add a barb if needed and use it. A knife is better for making things to use.

hahaha, good one ash. And I know what you mean, I've set up variuos traps in the from yard. :D
As soon as I get rid of these pesky sentry's I can then work on the hordes elves and nomes that are trying to lay siege to my lair.
ohh lord, people are gonna think were serious and belong in a lonnie bin :D
Chris, excellent gig tip! :thumbup:

MDG, nice pic of a barbed spear tip. I'm sure early man found out all to quick that land and water critters had a way of coming loose real fast.
The first caveman to put a barb on a spear was the Albert Einstein of his day.

As Runningboar pointed out, check local laws, a lot of our discussions center on feeding ourselves if starving in the wilderness, not simply going out on a normal day and trying different rigs.
DNR takes a dim view of illegal hunting and fishing.
The best survival use I have ever discovered for a double edge dagger (fairbairn sikes in my case) is pulling meat off the grill when you have a dozen other hungry campers crowded around. Hands pull back when you go in and nobody will grab for the meat on the way out. Anyway, it works for me.

I carried a Gerber Guardian for several years but that was just a weapon. Mac