Anyone else notice this about Tactical Knives

a bit off topic......wouldnt it be refreshing if there was a "consumer reports" type magazine that point blankly with a no holds barred style told it as it really is like GUN TESTS does for the gun reviews???....knives purchased "off the shelf" like a consumer would get and not sent from the manufacturers that were spiffed up and then put to the test(s) and the results published whether favorable or unfavorable...also no advertising accepted like they do in GUN TESTS and CONSUMER REPORTS so there is no bias based on which manufacturer/maker bought the most advertising?

accessories like lubes, polishes, sharpening systems, etc could also be reviewed and commented on in a no holds barred fashion

i dont always agree with the results the testers find in GUN TESTS based on my personal experience but i do enjoy their no bs/balls to the wall reviews that will praise the great product and offer a buy rating and will also bash the poorly made/performing product and offer a do not buy rating....they even offer best buy ratings when many products pass their unvarnished reviews

my o my trav you thread has become quite popular!

Hey feverdoc,

You can post about anything you want under my topics! But it's funny you had that thought of a "Consumer Reports" for knives. I always dreamed about starting that up... after I won the lottery! I figured I would be buying a ton of knives anyway, so I might as well abuse them. Hey, I can always buy two.

I usually buy every issue of that mag, but I went to the Barnes and Noble last night and pored over for a few minutes, and it didn't seem worth it. I've noticed that very thing about the tops knives. (I was just about to post about it) I don't dislike TOPS knives, but I'm sick of the coverage they're getting because they aren't in my price range or preference for the type of knife to carry. Also, Spyderco knives have been featured in the past two issues as well, but those pieces were very different where as all TOPS knives look very similar to me.:rolleyes:
well trav when you or i win the lottry or ed macmahon comes knocking at our doors we can start our own magazine that tells it like it is without any bias and get to use/abuse some good stuff in the mean time and get a tax write off for the goods we buy for the magazine....:)....feverdoc
Let me know if yall need the editor's mailing address so you can take the time to shoot all the field photos, actually use the knife, then say everything you want to say in 1500 words. Always looking for new articles and new writers. :)

I like knives that I can use and that come from decent and respected manufacturers. I'm not nuts about arty knives and the very fancy customs. Based on the above TK is the best for me. Why no bad reviews? When last did you see a crappy knife in there? Seems like they only bring you the good stuff :)

I noticed that TOPS has been on quite a few of the last couple of covers, but so what, they couldn't put them on every cover. And if they did, so what, I still like the content :D