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anyone ever have a beard???

Dec 14, 2004
Im trying to grow a beard but the itching is driving me nuts. Once its fully grown in does it still itch? Is there any way to soften it?
I've got a beard. I've had it for many years now. It only itches for a few days when it grows in. It will soften as the hair gets a bit longer. You can also use conditioner on it when you take a shower to soften it a bit.
I've had a full beard for several years now, and have shaved it off a couple of times and regrown it. It never really itched for me, and doesn't itch now. I second the suggestion of using conditioner on it in the shower, btw.


I hate shaving, have had a beard pretty much from the time I could grow one, some 20 odd years ago. Just last year shaved off the beard as it was going white. I am growing one back for Christmas(what better time to have a white beard?), and noticed it was itchy for about a week as it was coming in. Don't bother me no more.
have a beard and have shaved it a few times it itches somewhere in the 1 or 2 week of growth then stops.
I've had a beard for about 40 years. The only time it ever itched was when I got crabs in it, but a couple of washings with RID took care of that.
Iagree with everyone else,it only itches for a week or so and conditioner is the way to go. Iusually have a beard , though this year i have been clean shaven since my stroke in january.However i am looking forward to growing it back again, i have one of those electric trimmers for keeping it groomed i liked to keep it at a manageble length :cool:

That's me up there last year at 43, had that sucker since I was 15, it's been long, short but only off twice.

Once to go to court, and once to get a job, swore I'd never do either again,(shave that is, although I haven't been to court in a long time).

In answer to your question ,(What the hell was your question again?) oh yea, it does eventually stop as it gets a little longer/softer, and you do get used to it, be patient, and if nothin' else works, only grow it while you sleep, this way you'll be sleepin' and ya won't care :D ;) :rolleyes: .
79mongoose said:
Im trying to grow a beard but the itching is driving me nuts. Once its fully grown in does it still itch? Is there any way to soften it?

I'm 39, the last time I saw my face without a beard was 1987. The last time I went to a barber was sept 1991.

Itch smitch! Be a man already!
Grew this lil' pup last year from Dec to July.


Scared lil' kids....:( :confused:

Ocassionally I'll shave it down to about half-inch or so....and then it will itch for a week or so.

Same thing happens when you shave....er....other parts of your body. :eek:
(will NOT elaborate further!)



It does get softer, the longer it gets. Mine is pretty coarse - good mountain-man type stuff....I've got it about one inch long right now and it's already soft-n-fluffy.

Like others have said - conditioner does help.
Ben Arown-Awile said:
I've had a beard for about 40 years. The only time it ever itched was when I got crabs in it, but a couple of washings with RID took care of that.
Dare we ask what activities you engaged in that caused crabs to appear in your beard?

No, on second thoughts, don't answer that, I'm sure I don't want to know.


Since we're posting beard pics, here is an exremely hard to see one of mine. (Only pic I've got to hand).

I used to have some good pictures, but this is the only one I can find, and it's really short from right after a trim in the summer. .

Oi ACMarina. Put that pic away. What a disgrace. You call that a beard????

Now Daniel's and Erdelyi's beard. Those are real beards.

Having a beard is easy. Shaving just takes too much time. I'm thinking i'll probably have to shave sometime when i need to get a job but not anytime soon. Although i've been trying out the handlebar 'tache.
last spring I had a 3/4" growth going... shaved it down to a goatee in april.... just the chin going right now, think I'll regrow a full goatee again though.

the full beard made my face too round.
Hey, sometimes they make me go out in public, and looking like a yeti seems to be unacceptable to them. Normally when I'm not doing PR I look more like Daniel (in the beard anyway). .I'll try and find a pic and post it later. .