Am I "a lost ball in the high weeds"? Maybe so ... if I'd made that one of the choices it might have got all the votes (I would have included that if I'd thought of it; it's a beautiful phrase). Buuuuuuut ... according to the preliminary results at the moment, I'm saner than you are, Jim! For a long time we were running neck and neck, but I've pulled ahead:
19.05% Cougar is sane but Jim has been driven out of his mind by long confinement in a cave containing too many khukuris.
9.52% Jim is sane but Cougar is bonkers.
Being 19.05% sane is not so bad ... a lot better than being only 9.52% sane! Can you get a driver's license if you're 19.05% sane? How about a License to Carry? Of course that could still change ... it may have changed by the time you read this post ... oh, this is so exciting!
It'd be better if US elections were run this way; it would force the politicians to admit they didn't get a majority to vote for them. (The biggest landslide since WWII was Reagan's re-election, when 20% of the people eligible to vote decided he wasn't as bad as Mondale and voted for him.)