• Preorders are LIVE for the 2024 BladeForums Traditional Knife

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    Requirements: Be a Gold or higher member or have been a member of the forums since 6/2023 with at least 100 posts in the Traditional Forum. Preorder is for people who live in the continental US only, international orders will be separate.

    Delivery expected in Q4 2024, hopefully before the holidays.

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Moderator and Gold Member
Mar 12, 2002
Got to the show bright and early! It's the best show Arkansas has had; everyone is pleased.

Met Danbo! I had SEEN him at the Blade show last year but didn't meet him there; HE IS SOMETHING! He knows his knives to say the least.

Best of Show went to Don Hanson as well as Best Folder

Tim Foster won Best Fighter

Fisk won Best Hunter (engraved)

Ron Newton won Best Art and Best Bowie (Art dagger was AMAZING!)

Fitch was late; I thought something had happened. Turns out he was finishing a knife. When he did show, it was like a pirhana feeding frenzy!(You know, like Fisk's table) He sold out in less than five. Massey, Fisk, and Walker were sold out just as quick too. Most makers still had at least one piece still available when I left at 5 pm. Oh yea, CROWELL HAD A TABLE! HE'S BACK!:D


Keith, wish you were here:( You too GUS!

I'm going back in the morning.

One more thing, I was RODE HARD all day for wearing my Fisk Knives denim shirt; RED DOT, Thank you very much... anyway, I would just tell them at first that Fisk was paying me to wear it. (He didn't) Then it hit me like a two ton heavy thing! I started telling them that if they had as much invested in Fisk as I do; THEY WOULD BE ADVERTISING FOR HIM TOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It made me feel better anyway:confused:
I sure wish I was able to be there. This has become the show that I want to get to more than any other except maybe Blade.

So Darby, any pictures? If not, do you know anyone that did take pictures? I want to see pictures.
Oh man.. I feel small. Keith, I'm sorry, I don't have any pictures.:( Danbo had a friend that was taking some, maybe? I will get a camera (digital) in a few months. If I'm going to pursue this, and I plan too, I have to learn.

TERRILL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! can you hear me? ;)

Keith, I also spent close to 2 hours with Batson today...you have got to meet up with him; I want to be a fly on the wall!
Was thinking about you guys all day (or at least on and off all day). Glad to hear it ws such a busy show and that Mr Crowell is back at it too. That show alwys has a bunch of good folks there.

Have fun Darby! (as if I have to say that) :D.

I thought Fisk was paying for product placement with that shirt. :) Should have been worth a little hunter!

Nice to meet you and Danbo at the show. I liked the new venue quite a bit. Crowd was good and it wasn't cramped. I think LD will show there next year as a result of our trip.

Danbo... Get your buddy to post the pics (and a name:)

I went down last year and it was one of the best times I've had at a show. Congratulations to all who won awards. Ron Newton is just so outstanding!!

Sammy, I hope we can meet next year, what did you get? Danbo,with your outstanding taste I can't wait for the pictures.

I'm with Gus, thought about you guys all day.

Some friends and myself made a day trip to make the show.We drove for six hours each way,and I had only slept for 2 1/2 hours in 2 days trying to finish up the knife I had with me.I let the buffer eat the throat for the sheath I was making for it at 3 am. but took the knife anyway.It sold within 30 minutes of being at the show,that was cool( Edited to add that this was to a Purveor at there table).Personaly I was in la-la land due to no sleep.Got to talk to allot of people from the forums and other friends,Sorry but there are to many to list and remember.We only stayed for a couple of hours at the show then went to the museum and looked at all those knives for about ahalf hour,then lunch and then headed back home.I hope I can get a table next year,or at least go spend the weekend and visit without being so out of it.

It was great meeting everyone and talking with those I could,Didn't want to leave when we did but my buddies said either I left then or they would leave me to find my own way home:D ....
Time to get some more done in the shop.
If you are going to sell knives at the show, I would reccomend to get a table. Glad you enjoyed it.
Jerry,I know not to sell at the show,I was just wanting to show it and get opinions from you guys about how it looked...But when a purveyer wants it I figured that was ok at there table.If I am wrong about this please let me know so I won't do something bad again,definately don't want to get into trouble.
I can't wait until the day I can afford to start selling at shows,plus get a table (you know they are not easy to get unless you book almost a year in advance)
fisk...this was an issue best handled through private email

i am curious if you thought bruce had one of those little flags that said "4 sale" sticking out the end of the knife while he circled the show endlessly?
Bandaid man
Yes, this is for private email and Bruce and I have emailed privately. This is also public.
Bruce inadvertinley crossed a line. This could have had him barred from that show. All shows have the same rules. If young makers do not know this then they can step in a pile of it without knowing it also. That is much worse for business. I figured learning this would help Bruce as well as other young makers. I bear him no personal ill will. If he wants to come to the show I think it would be a good thing. He has clients now and can make more but not if he is barred from being there.
I was not ugly to Bruce. Simply letting him and other young makers that do not know, you can get in hot water quick with show promoters.

You might want to up your dosage of prozac there bubba.
I never implied that he was circling with signs out. He was very friendly as always when I talked to him at the show.
I am very thankful to Jerry for bringing this up to my attention.I was under the impression that the Purverors were allowed to buy at the shows from whom ever they wanted and didn't know that this was not the case.I will not be in this position again myself.
I think that Jerry is correct in letting young makers know these rules before they do get into trouble.Yes I knew Brown bagging was not allowed,but like I said didn't know this other.Heck I even seen a sign on a table saying that they Bought Knives.
This will be a good topic in the shop talk forum where allot of new makers hang out,I will start this topic there and lets move it from this show thread;) so others can learn.
Sounds good to me. You are being professional.

Now lets get back to talking about how ugly Danbo is. Still good to see him though.

For those of you who missed it, it was a good show as always. There was some nice pieces there by various makers. Some new makers coming up that attended for the first time that did good.
Ugly? Man, I'll show you ugly! Check out this ole coondog! :)
Dont do that. There may be children up. uggg
now, now jerry

step away from the still and put the whisky down...i dont need to take none of that them thar prozac by the way...im naturally happy

you are quite correct that "brownbagging" is not right

i assume from your location that you have been to a gun show before.

and as you are probably every gun show south of mason-dixon has dozens of fellows endlessly cirling with those little flags sticking out of a few dozen guns.....i hope you can see the analogy and the joke....if not... oh well

private communication still would have been best

it is also probably a good idea to teach young makers about collecting sales tax, auto laws yada yada yada

have a good one.....i'm flying away now on my increased dosage as you recommended...wheeeee!!!!
bandaid man
you are funny.
Yeah, there is a lot to learn about this business. I am still trying to figure it out.
Dont get caught in the celingfan when you fly. That really hurts when I do that here.
jerry, im usually not... :p

i'm still trying to figure out where you would stick the little flag on a knife???????

is that why lanyard holes were developed??

:confused: :confused: :confused:
Bandaid man
Man I got to teach you young guys everything.
It is properlly called a thong hole. Least that is how I am explaining it to the woman I am currently married to as to exactly why she found a pair in my luggage. uhhhhhh, it goes in the knife handle. You got to have thongs for the thong hole. don't know if she fell for it yet or not. I mean believed it.