Australia (NSW)?

No argument here. I think that in person we'd be agreeing more than not. I don't drive out on Steve that often, but the rest of it I hit at least monthly. The part that annoys me is folks who speed until they hit the camera, but don't know their tire diameter offset and so panic slow to 90 in 100 zones. But overall, it comes down to what you are used to. Quite a few of the "mobile" cameras have been in the same spots for almost a year now. So overall for me its a big "meh" Calgary cops were way worse for setting up real traps, bad blind turns that they would catch you slowing down after the sign and tag you if you were enough over to make it worth their while (10km was their threshold, so coming off an 80 and hitting a 60, or a 40 was their preferred). That said, I know folks who lived near aerodrome rd and Nicklin before the cameras went in, and they were drag-strips overnight, so I can kinda see why they did that. Meh. Still nothing like the cameras in London. And if tourists from NSW want to fund the councils up here, I have no problems with that.
Agreed – London is hectic – the most surveilled city. And how's that working for the crime? Sweet nuffink bruv! I lasted 9 months in that hell hole. I don't even want to visit London again.
People are the problem. Not speed. If drivers all had advanced training and were good drivers the whole speed camera thing would become irrelevant. It's driving to the conditions and knowing your own and your car's capabilities. That might be 30 km/hr or 130km/hr. I drive by feel and conditions, not road signs. 35 years of driving has seen me right. I now live deep rural so I can do what I want. Calgary cops sound horrible! My neighbour and friend is a Cop. But does hard core gang arrests and such, no traffic/roading. He calls the traffic cops snakes and hates their sneaky methods. Its funny, like knife laws — people do what they want to do. I visited my sister in Gold Coast for a few nights and in early hours could hear hoons drag racing. They are a proper pain!
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It's hardly a police state. In some ways it's a nanny state definitely. It's not the police or government driving the attitude, it's the general public that has evolved in a society that historically has had very little violence and crime compared to some other countries. Australia is also a country where over 90% of the population(I think, don't quote me) live very urbanized lives and don't understand why anyone would carry a knife unless they were up to no good. Personally I think a lot of the general attitudes here are pathetic but it's not as bad as you make it out to be.

I don't think you would be in any trouble in that situation if you were legitimately going home to do that, just as you wouldn't be in any trouble if you just bought a 12" kitchen knife from a store and was going home with it.

Calling Australia a totalitarian regime is being melodramatic in the extreme. There are laws that will take getting used to, but you are only looking at it from where you come from. I wonder whether you actually know what a totalitarian regime is. Honestly, if you are just a regular guy in suburbia you will never be searched by police in a million years and if you are careful about not carrying a knife at the airport or at a nightclub etc. you could probably carry a pocket knife every day of your life and have no issue. I'm not saying that's what you should do.
I am Australian, and am now a regular guy. I have, (carried), every day since I was 12, and have had no issues.... (incl my 17 years as a cop.... But I can tell you, most cops don't bother too much with discretion or the 'spirit' of the law, and are very pressured from above, and therefore very keen on 'pinching' people for anything and everything. "Friend or foe, in they go. If in doubt, judge will sort it out". It's a production line, the "justice" system... )
I recently received a potential job offer in NSW.

Very confused about the laws there... it appears everything is illegal in Australia? That can't be right.

What type of knives are lawful to carry aside from small no lock folders, and are there exemptions for those with disabilities?

How about blackjacks or saps?

And what are the cops like there? Do they just randomly stop and frisk people or conduct random car searches? Been hearing stories which seem to indicate that, as there's no 2nd or 4th amendment there.

Thank you.

Did you end up taking the job here?