Be warned about 'Buck 112' (Kasper Egerup) from Denmark

Feedback: +0 / =0 / -0
Oct 6, 1998
Hi guys,

I don't particuarly like posting negative remarks about a forumite but after my ongoing missery with 'Buck 112', who's real name is Kasper Egerup, from Denmark since I first was contacted by him on October 12 2002 I feel obliged to write this as a warning when doing deals with this guy.

It all started when he wanted to buy my Busse Zero Tolerance set and after an large number of emails we exchanged (and that I have all saved!) I send him the 3 Zero Tolerance knives on Saturday October 19 2002 just before I left for a busines trip on Sunday (October 20)

Then just before I left on Sunday I got an email that essentially said "the deal is off" I will refuse the package, he mentioned a few reasons which I won't post and I didn't object to them, I just told him to accept the package and then pay for the return postage as otherwise I would end up paying postage twice.

He wrote that he would pay me the € 22 postage back on a later time "I WILL SEND YOU MONEY TO COVER THE SHIPPING EXPENCES YOU HAVE HAD".

December 1, 2002 he wrote in reply to my email asking about the promissed money for postage:

"If I have to pay additional cost I would say it is very fair since it was me who ****ed up the deal. Way back when the deal was still going on you send me some banking-info for a bank in your country, I have in the meanwhile deleted this email and I would really prefer if you could re-send this info so i can make the transfer. I really appreciate that you are being such a good sport about this but I made the misatke and I will correct it."

December 2, 2002 he wrote:

"Thanks, I will make the transfer later today so you should have the money by whensday.
Take care. Kasper Egerup."

December 21 2002 I still hadn't received anything and I wrote him:
"Hello Kasper,

Haven't seen the money appear on my ... account, nor heard from you since December 1 when you promissed to transfer the € 22 onto my account.
Aan update on the postage payment status would be appreciated.

You can also make life a lot easier and use Western Union to transfer the € 22 or just package up and send me DK 200 in bills and I'll exchange them which should work out to a little less then the € 22 but I'll take that loss.



Nothing, since them except me writing emails every 2 weeks or so.

Today I send him an email telling him that I still haven't received the promissed money and that I would post an psot on every forum I'm a member of with my warning.

So, my advise, don't do business with this guy, he can'tbe trusted.

Best regards,

Dave and Klaus

Yes they got returned as I had send them to a "gun/outdoor" shop in Denmark that always?? received the goods for Buck 112. I checked him by calling the German Busse Dealer (Klaus Linnemeyer) and he had had the same trouble with him but also send the knives to that address,Buck 112 (Kasper)changed his mind often even while the knives were still on its way to him.

From that moment on every person I do a trade with or sell something to has to supply me with a Forum name and telephone number and I always search the GBU forums.

I try not to burn myself twice.

Best Scouting greetings from Holland,

Buck 112 hasn't posted on Bladeforums since 7-19 but he's still a member. I hope to see a response to this from him -- soon.
I hate to see you get taken Bagheera your a trusting soul and down right good fellow in my book, hope all works out.
Hi guys,

Don't worry about the € 22 that I probably lost, I came out of this a wiser man and will always check the GBU before doing business with somebody.

If he hadn't returned the knives I would have driven over to him in a weekend with some friends, it's only 500 miles or so we and would have persuaded him to hand them over ;).

The problem is not the €22 if he had said that he couldn't pay it because of problems I would have 'let it be' but when somebody promisses to pay back the money owed I keep him to his word and get angry when he breaches it and continiously sends "promisses" but no hard cash.
In the past 2+ years of fundraising and in personal deals we only encountered 1 bad apple and that was not even a forumite.
Some deals went a little rough but those can be counted on the fingers of the hand of a careless sawmill operator ;) so my (our) feeling is that we have an extremely honest bunch of people her bound together by the mutual love for knives outdoor gear and gadgets ;)
I feel proud to be a part of this group.

Best Scouting greetings from Holland,

Bagheera, I am truly sorry you had to go through this $hit, glad you at least you got your knives back.

However, anyone can see my original stance regarding this POS on the other post and I stand by my original comments. Let's give him another chance shall we.

Leo Gilbert

Edited to add: The 500 mile drive for a little um, persuasion , would have made for some fun reading.:cool:

That 500 mile drive would really have been something to read about.

Once, more then a decade ago a good friends wife was doing her masters study at the university, I don't know exactly how you guys call it but it's working after your "masters to get the title of Doctor in your field.

You then have a mentor that guides you through your promotional studies for your thesis and so you really depend on that guy for about 3-4 years.
Well to make a long storry readable, he was making insinuations of sexual nature and made passes at her, touched her and she first hadn't told it to her husband (my friend) afraid of letting anybody know it and afraid of that mentor screwing up her doctor's thesis.
She started behaving oddly until one day my friend kept on asking her what was the matter and she burst into tears and told the storry.

Well, my friends car, when he drove to this guys apartment was fully taken, no seatbelts left. When that 'mentors' front door was put against the wall of his living room and some words were exchanged that can't be repaeted here ;) he understood the message and from then on he kept his hands to himself and she finished her promotional studies and now carries the doctor tittle.

Friends are important and good friends stand by you even when times are rough and thats what happened then, and the problem was solved :d

Best Scouting wishes,

OK guys,

Want something to laugh,cry or whatever? I received 3 emails from Kasper today here they come:

Thu, 06 Feb 2003 15:12:35 +0000

Piet, I will get send the money to you per envolope. Please send me your adress.

Take care. Kasper Egerup.

Subject: Re: DEAL IS OFF! ==> I posted it on all Forums
Date: Wed, 05 Feb 2003 13:39:49 +0100

Hello Kasper,

I send you several emails in the past weeks but I revceived no answers back.

Weeks ago you promissed me to go to your bank and have them transfer the €22 that you owed me for the postage costs I made for the Busse Zero Tolerance set that I send to you and that you suddenly refused/did not want anymore.

You said to me that you made the bank transfer, well as I emailed to you already several times I haven't seen the € 22 on my bank account.

If you have some decency left please reply to this email and see to it that I get my spend postage money in the mean time I will post a warning on every Forum that I'm a member on and will keep the forumites updated on the status of this long overdue payment that you promissed in SEVERAL emails to send to me.

In case it's all to difficult just slip 200 DKK in an envelope and send it by registered mail to me, I'll cover the exchange costs.



Second email 'seconds' later!
Thu, 06 Feb 2003 15:20:54 +0000
Hi, it is me agin.

I understand why you feel burned but you should know that as a student, which I am then money is on the "short-side". I am what you would call manio-depresive (yes I am seeing a shrink). My mania sides will usually make me buy alot of things that I cannot pay for. My latest knife was Brend #2 which is something that i could not afford at all. Just check with Mr. Branton, he is the one I bought the knife from.

Anyway I will see that you get your money in the near future but already back then you knew that my money was scarce. I guess that I should have told you that I wouldnt be able to pay you back.

Take care. Kasper Egerup

My email to him:
Subject: Re: DEAL IS OFF! ==> I posted it on all Forums
Date: Thu, 06 Feb 2003 18:27:24 +0100

Hello Kasper,

I also got your second email were you said you are a student, manio-depressive etc.

Well, you wrote to me that you had to pay 10000 DKK tax which sounds strange to me because you're a student ! then you also wrote that the roof of your barn blew off, so I'm at a loss here.

Every email I send you had my address but here it is again:

xxxxxxxxxx my address was there!

Just send over the DKK 200 by registered mail that won't be to difficult I guess.




Then his last email:
Thu, 06 Feb 2003 17:59:30 +0000
Well the part about the barn was a lie. As for the 1000 euros, it is called a "student-loan". I understand that you are at loss but I want you to take a look at the post some of the other forumites made with links to a previous thread concerning me. There it is stated how old I am. I dont really care if you believe me or not but I have a BIG problem with myself and my economy. Furthermore I think you can see what i did a year ago was less than sane. Try imagining a student at a gymnasium, very few friends etc... an unatural interest for guns,knives etc...mix all of that together and you get a very ****ed up person.

Take care. Kasper Egerup.


There's some ace con man at work or some really sick soul in need of some serious therapy.

I'm wondering what I'll get back as an answer to my reply to this last email:


So what about the DKK 200 (Euro 22) ? the first email you wrote today you said you were sending it, then not, then some storry, then some lies etc.

Why not just do something honest and send the money.



:barf: :barf: :barf: :barf:

that's all I have to say,

best Scouting wishes,

Buck 112: Keep diggin. Age was no excuse the first time.

Piet: Take the drive. ;)

If the world were a better place everyone would have friends they could count on to help them out (and those we love; like your friend's wife). Justice is served.

Leo G.
i got an email offer a week or two ago from somebody claiming to own a gun/knife store in denmark. he went by the name of "John Troest"
he said he wanted to trade me a strider NIB GB for my blue leather Sebbie (he gave me some story about how he was a knife dealer and that Striders didnt sell well in denmark but he wanted to trade for the sebbie because it would sell better)
i asked him what his username was,
he gave me a name which didnt exist, so i asked him if he had any references or had done any trades. he said he didnt have any.
so i told him the only way i would do the trade is if he sent the GB first and then i send the sebbie as soon as i recieved the GB (seeing as i could provide many many good referrals)
then he beat around the bush about how he "wanted to trust me, but wasnt sure"
then he offered to get me references from dirk the european busse dealer, and from another respectable forumite whos name i shall not mention because im sure he has no Phucking idea who this assmonkey is.

so i told him if he could get me emails form their valid email addresses we had a deal, after that no more emails. strange huh!

i was skeptical fromt he very start seeing as this kasper buttplug is from the very same place and mysteriously he has a username that doesnt exist. not to mention that i belive one of his past deals that fell through involved the very same knife.

im sure this could all be a big coincedence, and if belive you that it is, email me, because ive got some magic beans for sale, real great price.

and to kasper/john troest/buttplug:
i hope you choke and die you phuck

Edited to add: this is not to be confused with a person who i later traded with for a strider GB which i posted in the for sale forums. that individual is an excellent person, you know who you are:)
Hi Payback462,

I heard the 'bells ringing', you wrote the name a little wrong but I'm sure that you mean this guy:

Vestjysk jagt og fritid A/S
V/ John Trøst
Stationsvej 2, 7500 Holstebro

That's were Kasper had me send my ZT set to also and I did check this with Dirk Linnemeyer from Busse Germany and he confirmed that he also always send his Busse knives to that address for Kasper.
I looked up the shop and it's an existing one I even got the telephone number.

I don't know how this John Trøst can do business with Kasper but he really exsists.
He was the one who send back my ZT Set.

Still I guess you did the right thing,

Best Scouting wishes,

yup thats him,
the name on his email address contained troest, but yeah he said his real name had that little thingy with the line through it, i have no idea how to find that character to type it so just put what was on his email addy

Why not just do something honest and send the money.



:barf: :barf: :barf: :barf:

that's all I have to say,

That's all I have to say too. Whatever his excuses are for the delay, if he's a manic-depressive, a schizophenic and a kleptomaniac, if his barn, his garage, his toolshed and his outhouse all burned down, if he got a student loan and had to pay taxes and had to put a coin in a parking meter -- YOU STILL HAVE TO PAY THE MONEY, KASPAR. Just pay it.
Had a deal with this clown last year,was to trade my CU7 for his Buck master series 110. 3 days after i mailed the becker he informes me that customs had confiscated the knife at p.o.e.. He told me the buck was mailed and that i should keep it as it was his fault.A few days later he emailed and said that the buck was lost in transit and he would have one sent from buck. After a couple of weeks the becker came back to me!!. Still dont know the real story but at least i got my knife back but was out the postage.
My guess is this guy gets off on making deals with no intention of following through on his end.
People with depression, manic or otherwise are not crazy and are perfectly able to choose to do the right thing, if they dont, its not depression, its called a lack of integrity. I have dealt with every problem he has and then some in my life, and i have yet to screw anybody out of anything. Heck, i owe about $80,000 for my law degree alone, and yet, somehow, im still a man of my word. Go figure.
Hi guys,

Yesterday I received an registered letter from Denmark, yes from Kasper AKA buck112 and it contained a DKK 200 note.

So finally Kasper did what he should have done immediately and that was pay the postage costs for the returned knives.

I send him a 'thank you' email and exchanged the DKK 200 and got € 23.51 for it after deduction of the fees.

So in the end I got my € 22 + some interest ;)

'All well that ends well' I guess is the 'saying'.

Best Scouting greetings from Holland,
